setTypeID($d['type_id']); //$this->setType($d['type_name']); $this->setCode($d['code']); $this->setLabel($d['label']); //$this->setParams($d['params']); if(isset($d['id'])) $this->_setID($d['id']); if(isset($d['ex_plug_dir']) && !empty($d['ex_plug_dir'])) { $this->isExternal(true); $this->setExternalDir( utilsCfs::getExtModDir($d['ex_plug_dir']) ); $this->setExternalPath( utilsCfs::getExtModPath($d['ex_plug_dir']) ); } } public function isExternal($newVal = NULL) { if(is_null($newVal)) return $this->_isExternal; $this->_isExternal = $newVal; } public function getModDir() { if(empty($this->_externalDir)) { return CFS_MODULES_DIR. $this->getCode(). DS; } else { return $this->_externalDir. $this->getCode(). DS; } } public function getModPath() { if(empty($this->_externalPath)) { return CFS_MODULES_PATH. $this->getCode(). '/'; } else { return $this->_externalPath. $this->getCode(). '/'; } } public function getModRealDir() { return dirname(__FILE__). DS; } public function setExternalDir($dir) { $this->_externalDir = $dir; } public function getExternalDir() { return $this->_externalDir; } public function setExternalPath($path) { $this->_externalPath = $path; } public function getExternalPath() { return $this->_externalPath; } /* * Set ID for module, protected - to limit opportunity change this value */ protected function _setID($id) { $this->_id = $id; } /** * Get module ID from modules table in database * @return int ID of module */ public function getID() { return $this->_id; } public function setTypeID($typeID) { $this->_typeID = $typeID; } public function getTypeID() { return $this->_typeID; } public function setType($type) { $this->_type = $type; } public function getType() { return $this->_type; } public function getLabel() { return $this->_label; } public function setLabel($label) { $this->_label = $label; } public function init() { } public function exec($task = '') { if($task) { if($controller = $this->getController()) { return $controller->exec($task); } } return null; } public function getController() { if(!$this->_controller) { $this->_createController(); } return $this->_controller; } protected function _createController() { if(!file_exists($this->getModDir(). 'controller.php')) { return false; // EXCEPTION!!! } if($this->_controller) return true; if(file_exists($this->getModDir(). 'controller.php')) { $className = ''; if(importCfs($this->getModDir(). 'controller.php')) { $className = toeGetClassNameCfs($this->getCode(). 'Controller'); } if(!empty($className)) { $this->_controller = new $className($this->getCode()); $this->_controller->init(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Method to call module helper if it exists * @return class helperCfs */ public function getHelper() { if (!$this->_helper) $this->_createHelper(); return $this->_helper; } /** * Method to create class of module helper * @return class helperCfs */ protected function _createHelper() { if ($this->_helper) return true; if (file_exists($this->getModDir().'helper.php')) { $helper = $this->getCode().'Helper'; importClassCfs($helper, $this->getModDir(). 'helper.php'); if (class_exists($helper)) { $this->_helper = new $helper($this->_code); $this->_helper->init(); return true; } } } public function setCode($code) { $this->_code = $code; } public function getCode() { return $this->_code; } public function onAdmin() { return $this->_onAdmin; } public function getModel($modelName = '') { return $this->getController()->getModel($modelName); } public function getView($viewName = '') { return $this->getController()->getView($viewName); } /*public function setParams($params) { if(!is_array($params)) { if(empty($params)) $params = array(); else { $params = json_decode ($params); } } $this->_params = $params; }*/ /*public function getParams($key = NULL) { if(is_null($key)) return $this->_params; else if(is_numeric($key) && isset($this->_params[ $key ])) { return $this->_params[ $key ]; } else { foreach($this->_params as $p) { if(isset($p->$key)) return $p->$key; } return false; } }*/ /** * Retrive one parameter using it's key, alias for getParams() method */ /*public function getParam($key) { return $this->getParams($key); }*/ public function install() { } public function uninstall() { } public function activate() { } /** * Returns the available tabs * @return array of tab */ public function getTabs() { return array(); } public function getConstant($name) { $thisClassRefl = new ReflectionObject($this); return $thisClassRefl->getConstant($name); } public function loadAssets() {} public function loadAdminAssets() {} }