msgid "An error has occurred" msgstr "" msgid "Overview" msgstr "" msgid "New Gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Galleries" msgstr "" msgid "Settings" msgstr "" msgid "License" msgstr "" msgid "Images" msgstr "" msgid "Instagram" msgstr "" msgid "Flickr" msgstr "" msgid "Tumblr" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Get PRO" msgstr "" msgid "Loading" msgstr "" msgid "Authorization code is not specified." msgstr "" msgid "Gallery by Supsystic" msgstr "" msgid "Import images" msgstr "" msgid "Facebook authorization" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the Facebook Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "Login with Facebook" msgstr "" msgid "Return to the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Upload new images" msgstr "" msgid "Logout" msgstr "" msgid "Select/unselect all photos" msgstr "" msgid "Here you can specify your business pages and images will load from those pages. You can set several pages, just separate ID of pages by \",\". To get the ID of your page you need to switch to the wanted page, then click on \"About\" link right below page cover, and at the bottom of \"About\" page you will find Facebook Page ID." msgstr "" msgid "Save" msgstr "" msgid "Empty user data." msgstr "" msgid "Flickr authorization" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the Flickr Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "Upload from Flickr" msgstr "" msgid "Images not in albums" msgstr "" msgid "Albums" msgstr "" msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "" msgid "Load More Button" msgstr "" msgid "Enable" msgstr "" msgid "Disable" msgstr "" msgid "Load with scroll" msgstr "" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgid "Yes" msgstr "" msgid "Load more button text" msgstr "" msgid "Images amount" msgstr "" msgid "Load more amount" msgstr "" msgid "Custom Buttons" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery Loader" msgstr "" msgid "Background color" msgstr "" msgid "Choose Icon" msgstr "" msgid "Disable right click" msgstr "" msgid "Video size" msgstr "" msgid "Autoplay video" msgstr "" msgid "When video ends" msgstr "" msgid "Do nothing" msgstr "" msgid "Open next slide" msgstr "" msgid "Close popup" msgstr "" msgid "Posts layout" msgstr "" msgid "Posts layout style" msgstr "" msgid "Posts" msgstr "" msgid "Pages" msgstr "" msgid "Show author" msgstr "" msgid "Show date" msgstr "" msgid "Show contents" msgstr "" msgid "Show categories" msgstr "" msgid "Hide \"All\" category" msgstr "" msgid "Enable shuffling animation" msgstr "" msgid "Animation duration" msgstr "" msgid "Position" msgstr "" msgid "Over the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Under the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Align" msgstr "" msgid "Left" msgstr "" msgid "Center" msgstr "" msgid "Right" msgstr "" msgid "Presets" msgstr "" msgid "Choose preset" msgstr "" msgid "Preset Editor" msgstr "" msgid "Categories order" msgstr "" msgid "All" msgstr "" msgid "Enable pagination" msgstr "" msgid "Pagination" msgstr "" msgid "Images per page" msgstr "" msgid "Buttons position" msgstr "" msgid "Top" msgstr "" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "" msgid "Container background" msgstr "" msgid "Hide container background." msgstr "" msgid "Text background" msgstr "" msgid "Hide text background." msgstr "" msgid "Text color" msgstr "" msgid "Use color, based on my theme." msgstr "" msgid "Vertical padding" msgstr "" msgid "Horizontal padding" msgstr "" msgid "Font weight" msgstr "" msgid "Font size" msgstr "" msgid "Border width" msgstr "" msgid "Border type" msgstr "" msgid "Border color" msgstr "" msgid "Border radius" msgstr "" msgid "Buttons preset editor for Paginations, Categories and Load More buttons" msgstr "" msgid "Custom class" msgstr "" msgid "Font family" msgstr "" msgid "Border style" msgstr "" msgid "Choose icon" msgstr "" msgid "Page " msgstr "" msgid "Activate License" msgstr "" msgid "Renew License" msgstr "" msgid "Slider by Supsystic" msgstr "" msgid "Congratulations! You have successfully installed and activated PRO version of ' ~ environment.getMenu().getMenuTitle() ~ ' plugin." msgstr "" msgid "Your premium support is expired in ' ~ days ~ ' days" msgstr "" msgid "You will not be able to update your pro version with expired license" msgstr "" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgid "Authorization oauth_verifier is not specified." msgstr "" msgid "Tumblr authorization" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the Tumblr Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "Upload from Tumblr" msgstr "" msgid "FTP" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the FTP Server" msgstr "" msgid "Enter images folder name, e.g. my-images" msgstr "" msgid "Parse" msgstr "" msgid "Note: images folder must be in wp-content/uploads/directory" msgstr "" msgid "Host" msgstr "" msgid "Username" msgstr "" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgid "Port" msgstr "" msgid "Enter the full path to images folder" msgstr "" msgid "Note: you need to specify the full path to images folder" msgstr "" msgid "Please fill all fields" msgstr "" msgid "Loading text" msgstr "" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgid "Open by link in popup" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery link" msgstr "" msgid "Auto posts" msgstr "" msgid "Number of posts" msgstr "" msgid "Auto Posts Categories" msgstr "" msgid "Select categories" msgstr "" msgid "Google Drive authorization" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from Google Drive CDN" msgstr "" msgid "Upload from Google Drive" msgstr "" msgid "Google Drive" msgstr "" msgid "New gallery successfully created" msgstr "" msgid "Title successfully updated" msgstr "" msgid "Not enough data." msgstr "" msgid "Preset successfully saved." msgstr "" msgid "The preset ID is not specified." msgstr "" msgid "Preset successfully removed." msgstr "" msgid "Failed to find the preset." msgstr "" msgid "Preset successfully applied to the gallery." msgstr "" msgid "Unnamed gallery" msgstr "" msgid "The identifier of the gallery is invalid" msgstr "" msgid "Title is empty" msgstr "" msgid "Failed to rename the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Invalid gallery identifier specified" msgstr "" msgid "Failed to delete the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Resources are does not exists" msgstr "" msgid "The identifier of the Gallery is not specified" msgstr "" msgid "New gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Add Images" msgstr "" msgid "Add selected items" msgstr "" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" msgid "You need to import images to your gallery before you can start using galleries" msgstr "" msgid "Selected" msgstr "" msgid "Create new gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Choose Gallery Template.You can change template and settings on the next step." msgstr "" msgid "Gallery Name:" msgstr "" msgid "Choose Gallery Template." msgstr "" msgid "Remove selected" msgstr "" msgid "Select/unselect all posts" msgstr "" msgid "Images list" msgstr "" msgid "Preview" msgstr "" msgid "Total Images: " msgstr "" msgid "There are %s photos in the gallery %s" msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this gallery?" msgstr "" msgid "Delete gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Shortcode:" msgstr "" msgid "PHPCode:" msgstr "" msgid "You have no galleries" msgstr "" msgid "You don\'t have any galleries yet." msgstr "" msgid "Want to create one right now?" msgstr "" msgid "What is a gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery — the highest type of entity in the Gallery by Supsystic." msgstr "" msgid "You can have an unlimited number of galleries, to which you can attach the preloaded pictures." msgstr "" msgid "Each gallery has a number of display settings and behaviors that you can save to presets and apply to other galleries." msgstr "" msgid "Gallery title can\'t be empty!" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery title:" msgstr "" msgid "Select source to import from" msgstr "" msgid "Back to the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Main" msgstr "" msgid "Captions" msgstr "" msgid "Categories" msgstr "" msgid "Add images" msgstr "" msgid "Import settings" msgstr "" msgid "Your changes not saved. You really want to leave without saving?" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery Type" msgstr "" msgid "Number of Columns" msgstr "" msgid "Responsive columns" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery Position" msgstr "" msgid "Images distance" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery width" msgstr "" msgid "Full screen width" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery padding" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery height" msgstr "" msgid "Image width" msgstr "" msgid "Image height" msgstr "" msgid "Image radius" msgstr "" msgid "Image crop quality" msgstr "" msgid "Display only first image" msgstr "" msgid "Social Sharing" msgstr "" msgid "Social Buttons Project" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery Sharing" msgstr "" msgid "Image Sharing" msgstr "" msgid "Buttons align" msgstr "" msgid "Popup Image Sharing" msgstr "" msgid "You have no Social Sharing projects for now." msgstr "" msgid "Create your first project" msgstr "" msgid "then just reload page with your Gallery settings, and you will see list with available Social Projects for your Gallery." msgstr "" msgid "You need to install Social Share Buttons by Supsystic to use this feature." msgstr "" msgid "Install plugin" msgstr "" msgid "here." msgstr "" msgid "Horizontal Scroll" msgstr "" msgid "Scroll Bar Color" msgstr "" msgid "Scroll Bar Transparency" msgstr "" msgid "Border" msgstr "" msgid "Available" msgstr "" msgid "Border Type" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow preset" msgstr "" msgid "When mouse is over" msgstr "" msgid "Off" msgstr "" msgid "Show mouse on" msgstr "" msgid "Hide mouse on" msgstr "" msgid "Overlay image with shadow" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow color" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow blur" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow X" msgstr "" msgid "Shadow Y" msgstr "" msgid "Pop-up Image" msgstr "" msgid "Popup box theme" msgstr "" msgid "Choose theme" msgstr "" msgid "Disable on mobile" msgstr "" msgid "Popup Image Text" msgstr "" msgid "Caption" msgstr "" msgid "Title" msgstr "" msgid "Alt text" msgstr "" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgid "Hide Popup Captions" msgstr "" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "" msgid "Slideshow" msgstr "" msgid "Slideshow speed" msgstr "" msgid "Slideshow pause on hover" msgstr "" msgid "Slideshow autostart" msgstr "" msgid "Popup Image size" msgstr "" msgid "Effect" msgstr "" msgid "Choose effect" msgstr "" msgid "Personal captions" msgstr "" msgid "Polaroid Style" msgstr "" msgid "Polaroid Image Animation" msgstr "" msgid "Polaroid Image Scattering " msgstr "" msgid "Polaroid Frame Width" msgstr "" msgid "Text size" msgstr "" msgid "Text horizontal align" msgstr "" msgid "Text vertical align" msgstr "" msgid "Hide image title tooltip" msgstr "" msgid "Mobile - show always caption" msgstr "" msgid "Show icons" msgstr "" msgid "Select effect" msgstr "" msgid "Animation" msgstr "" msgid "Icons color" msgstr "" msgid "Icons hover color" msgstr "" msgid "Background hover color" msgstr "" msgid "Icons size" msgstr "" msgid "Distance between icons" msgstr "" msgid "Show overlay" msgstr "" msgid "Overlay color" msgstr "" msgid "Overlay transparency" msgstr "" msgid "Categorize images in the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Let user switch gallery pages" msgstr "" msgid "Save settings as preset" msgstr "" msgid "Preset title:" msgstr "" msgid "Delete preset" msgstr "" msgid "Are you really want to delete preset \"%s\"?" msgstr "" msgid "Load settings from presets" msgstr "" msgid "Select preset:" msgstr "" msgid "Failed to load the presets." msgstr "" msgid "Currently you have no presets." msgstr "" msgid "Select \"Big image\" theme" msgstr "" msgid "Select a theme" msgstr "" msgid "Select" msgstr "" msgid "Select overlay effect" msgstr "" msgid "This effect requires icons be enabled. Enable Icons?" msgstr "" msgid "Select shadow preset" msgstr "" msgid "Select shadow" msgstr "" msgid "Import settings from gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Here you can import settings from other galleries, but right now, you have only one gallery, create more - and see how it works" msgstr "" msgid "Improve free version" msgstr "" msgid "Select icons effects" msgstr "" msgid "Click on the icon to select effect" msgstr "" msgid "close" msgstr "" msgid "next" msgstr "" msgid "previous" msgstr "" msgid "start slideshow" msgstr "" msgid "stop slideshow" msgstr "" msgid "image" msgstr "" msgid "of" msgstr "" msgid "Choose source" msgstr "" msgid "Import from WordPress Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "Import from social networks" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your Instagram account" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your Flickr account" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your Tumblr account" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your Facebook account" msgstr "" msgid "Import from cloud services" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your FTP server" msgstr "" msgid "Import from your Google Drive account" msgstr "" msgid "Get Pro to enable import" msgstr "" msgid "Properties" msgstr "" msgid "Delete Image" msgstr "" msgid "Sort To: " msgstr "" msgid "Sort By: " msgstr "" msgid "Switch to the list view" msgstr "" msgid "Switch to the block view" msgstr "" msgid "Apply" msgstr "" msgid "Search" msgstr "" msgid "The gallery is does not exists" msgstr "" msgid "Currently this gallery has no images" msgstr "" msgid "Linked Images" msgstr "" msgid "Instagram authorization" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the Instagram Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "Upload from Instagram" msgstr "" msgid "Your message successfully send. We contact you soon." msgstr "" msgid "Step-by-step Tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "Begin Step-by-step Tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgid "Email" msgstr "" msgid "Website" msgstr "" msgid "Subject" msgstr "" msgid "Topic" msgstr "" msgid "Plugin options" msgstr "" msgid "Report a bug" msgstr "" msgid "Require a new functionallity" msgstr "" msgid "Other" msgstr "" msgid "Message" msgstr "" msgid "Hello Supsystic Team!" msgstr "" msgid "Some errors occurred while sending mail please send your message trough this contact form:" msgstr "" msgid "Unable to save chosen photo %s: %s" msgstr "" msgid "New Folder" msgstr "" msgid "The title can\'t be empty" msgstr "" msgid "Failed to update position." msgstr "" msgid "Position updated successfully!" msgstr "" msgid "Rename folder" msgstr "" msgid "Folder name:" msgstr "" msgid "Add images to the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Please wait while the plugin to get the list of galleries..." msgstr "" msgid "Select the gallery:" msgstr "" msgid "New folder" msgstr "" msgid "Add images to the new gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Create new folder" msgstr "" msgid "Edit selected item" msgstr "" msgid "Delete selected items" msgstr "" msgid "Create new gallery from the selected items" msgstr "" msgid "New gallery from selected" msgstr "" msgid "Add the selected items to the existing gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Add selected to the gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Upload your images from the WordPress Media Library" msgstr "" msgid "All photos" msgstr "" msgid "Drop photos here to move them from the folder" msgstr "" msgid "Next" msgstr "" msgid "Close Tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "Welcome to Photo Gallery plugin by Supsystic!" msgstr "" msgid "Thank you for choosing our Gallery plugin. Just click here to start using it - and we will show you it\'s possibilities and powerfull features." msgstr "" msgid "Hello! This is the Gallery by Supsystic Overview." msgstr "" msgid "Here you can get help: watch the video tutorial or read FAQ and Documentation, make use of contact form. Also here requirements for server - Server Settings." msgstr "" msgid "Create your first Gallery" msgstr "" msgid "To Create New Gallery select gallery template. You can change template and settings later. Now here are four different templates. With PRO version you’ll get more features like Categories, Load More button, Post Feed (Content) gallery, Polaroid gallery and more. Enter name of the gallery and click “Save”." msgstr "" msgid "Add images to your Gallery" msgstr "" msgid "Now you are in the edit menu of your gallery. And the first thing you need to do are add media to the gallery. Click \"Add Images\" button." msgstr "" msgid "Images Import Options" msgstr "" msgid "

Import images in several ways:

Import from Wordpress Media Library/Upload files from your computer

Import from social networks

Instagram (in the Free version)

With PRO-version also will be available import from Flickr, Tumblr and Facebook.

Besides with Gallery PRO version you can import images from such cloud services - FTP server, Google Drive.

" msgstr "" msgid "Image List" msgstr "" msgid "

Now you can see your image list. Here you can:

Change the order of images – simply by dragging them manually.

Delete images.

Add new images from different sources to the grid gallery – click “Add Images” button and select the source to import from.

Caption tab – add caption to image – it will be displayed on the caption effect of the gallery. Also here included the support of html-elements inside caption effect

SEO tab – manage image title and description

Link tab – attach links to image – it will go to the link when you click the image.

Video tab – attach video url – it will be displayed in a pop-up image when you click on the image.

Categories tab – add tags for image categories.

Linked images tab – add linked images to the chosen image.

Crop tab – choose image crop position.

Replace image tab – replace image without losing image settings.

Now follow to the gallery settings – сlick “Properties” button.

" msgstr "" msgid "Preview of Gallery settings" msgstr "" msgid "At the left side of the monitor you see a preview image in which will be seen changes made to the settings. This window for the settings of your gallery." msgstr "" msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "" msgid "

Here you can set main settings of gallery - choose Gallery Type, for more information check this article.

Social Sharing: add social share buttons to your gallery. Or showcase images in a Horizontal Scroll view.

Load More: adds \"load more\" button to your gallery. And with Custom Buttons: you can make your button better.

Add to images border and shadow with Border Type and Shadow settings.

In the Pop-up Image section customize lightbox of your gallery.

" msgstr "" msgid "Captions and Icons" msgstr "" msgid "

On Captions tab you can manage the Captions and Icons, and make them your style.

" msgstr "" msgid "Categories and Pagination" msgstr "" msgid "

Categories tab: here you can enable Categories and Pagination options.

To this tab become available you need to buy PRO version." msgstr "" msgid "

Posts tab: here you can add posts and pages to your gallery and also manage them. Posts of gallery included in the PRO version of Gallery by Supsystic.

" msgstr "" msgid "Well done!" msgstr "" msgid "


Once you have purchased Premium version of plugin - you’ll have to enter license key (you can find it in your personal account on our site). Go to the License tab and enter your email and license key. Once you have activated your PRO license - you can use all its advanced options.

That’s all. From this moment you can use your Gallery without any doubt. But if you still have some question - do not hesitate to contact us through our internal support or on our Supsystic Forum. Besides you can always describe your questions on WordPress Ultimate Forum.

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We hope that you like this plugin and wish you all the best! Good luck!

" msgstr "" msgid "Welcome to the" msgstr "" msgid "Photo Gallery plugin is created for people who would like to show their photos in a marvelous way. Perform your best ideas, making delightful presentations or galleries from videos and photos." msgstr "" msgid "Step-by-step tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "There’re really many options of photo gallery plugin customization. So as soon as you close that page, I’ll show you step-by-step tutorial of how to use plugin. Hope it will be usefull for you :)" msgstr "" msgid "Support" msgstr "" msgid "We love our plugin and do the best to improve all features you want and fix all issues. But sometimes some issues happened or you can’t find feature you want :) Don’t worry, just contact us . We’ll answer in an hour and fix all issues." msgstr "" msgid "Video Tutorial" msgstr "" msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "" msgid "Gallery doesn’t load on the front end. If the loading gallery icon just keeps playing but never loads the gallery." msgstr "" msgid "How to change the position of photos in gallery?" msgstr "" msgid "How to insert gallery into widget?" msgstr "" msgid "Go to Appearance -> Widgets." msgstr "" msgid "You’ll see Gallery by Supsystic Widget on the left. Drag it to the area, where you want it to appear." msgstr "" msgid "Then choose what gallery you want to display. And press save." msgstr "" msgid "Check all other FAQs" msgstr "" msgid "Roles" msgstr "" msgid "PRO option" msgstr "" msgid "Edit image" msgstr "" msgid "SEO" msgstr "" msgid "Alternative text" msgstr "" msgid "External link" msgstr "" msgid "Available in PRO version." msgstr "" msgid "Link" msgstr "" msgid "Open in new window" msgstr "" msgid "Embeded video" msgstr "" msgid "Video URL" msgstr "" msgid "Supports Youtube and Vimeo. URL will be converted to embed automatically." msgstr "" msgid "Image" msgstr "" msgid "Date" msgstr "" msgid "Select %s" msgstr "" msgid "photo" msgstr "" msgid "photos" msgstr "" msgid "Caption effect" msgstr "" msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgid "Linked images" msgstr "" msgid "Crop" msgstr "" msgid "Replace image" msgstr "" msgid "" msgstr "" msgid "Add nofollow attribute" msgstr "" msgid "Choose images" msgstr ""