registry === null) { $this->registry = new GridGallery_Settings_Registry( $this->getEnvironment()->getConfig()->get('hooks_prefix'), $storage ); } return $this->registry; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function onInit() { $this->registerMenu(); add_action($this->getConfig()->get('hooks_prefix') . 'after_ui_loaded', array($this, 'afterUiLoaded_') ); } // public function onInstall() // { // parent::onInstall(); // $registry = $this->getRegistry(); // //Set this option to 1 to enable sending statistic // $registry->set('send_stats', 0); // } public function getBackendCSS() { return array( '//', $this->getLocationUrl() . '/assets/css/settings.css' ); } public function getBackendJS() { return array( '//', array( 'source' => $this->getLocationUrl() . '/assets/js/settings.index.js', 'dependencies' => array('chosen.jquery.min.js') ) ); } /** * Loads the assets required by the module */ public function afterUiLoaded_(GridGallery_Ui_Module $ui) { $ui->asset->register('styles', $this->getBackendCSS()); $ui->asset->register('scripts', $this->getBackendJS()); } public function getTemplatesAliases() { return array( 'settings.index' => '@settings/index.twig' ); } public function loadAssets() { $prefix = $this->getConfig()->get('plugin_name') . '-'; foreach ($this->getBackendCSS() as $source) { $handle = basename($source); wp_enqueue_style($handle); } foreach ($this->getBackendJS() as $source) { if (is_array($source)) { if (isset($source['handle'])) { $handle = $source['handle']; } else { $handle = basename($source['source']); } } else { $handle = basename($source); } wp_enqueue_script($handle); } } public function registerMenu() { $menu = $this->getMenu(); $plugin_menu = $this->getConfig()->get('plugin_menu'); $capability = $plugin_menu['capability']; $submenu = $menu->createSubmenuItem(); $submenu->setCapability($capability) ->setMenuSlug('supsystic-gallery&module=settings') ->setMenuTitle($this->translate('Settings')) ->setPageTitle($this->translate('Settings')) ->setModuleName('settings'); // Avoid conflicts with old vendor version if(method_exists($submenu, 'setSortOrder')) { $submenu->setSortOrder(40); } $menu->addSubmenuItem('settings', $submenu); } }