build(); } public function orderBy($orderBy) { $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); $this->_orderBy = $args; return $this; } public function order($order) { $order = strtoupper($order); if (in_array($order, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) { $this->_order = $order; } return $this; } public function groupBy($groupBy) { $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); $this->_groupBy = $args; return $this; } public function offset($offset = 0) { $offset = (int)abs($offset); if ($offset) { $this->_offset = $offset; } return $this; } public function join($table) { $this->_join = 'JOIN ' . $table; return $this; } public function leftJoin($table) { $this->_join = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $table; return $this; } public function rightJoin($table) { $this->_join = 'RIGHT JOIN ' . $table; return $this; } public function using($field) { $this->_using = $field; return $this; } public function on($c1, $operand, $c2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($c1, $operand, $c2, '', 'on'); } public function andOn($c1, $operand, $c2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($c1, $operand, $c2, 'AND', 'on'); } public function orOn($c1, $operand, $c2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($c1, $operand, $c2, 'AND', 'on'); } public function limit($limit = 0) { $limit = (int)abs($limit); $this->_limit = $limit; return $this; } public function select($fields) { $this->_setOperation('select'); $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); foreach ($args as $arg) { $this->addField($arg); } return $this; } public function from($tables) { if ($this->_operation != 'SELECT') { throw new Exception('Only SELECT operators.'); } $this->_tables = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); return $this; } public function where($cond1, $operand, $cond2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($cond1, $operand, $cond2, '', 'where'); } public function andWhere($cond1, $operand, $cond2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($cond1, $operand, $cond2, 'AND', 'where'); } public function orWhere($cond1, $operand, $cond2) { return $this->_addWhereOn($cond1, $operand, $cond2, 'OR', 'where'); } private function _addWhereOn($cond1, $operand, $cond2, $type, $property) { $operand = strtoupper($operand); if (!in_array($operand, array('=', '>', '<', '<>', '!=', '<=', '>=', 'LIKE', 'IN'))) { throw new Exception('Unsupported operand:' . $operand); } $this->{'_' . $property}[] = array( 'cond1' => $cond1, 'operand' => $operand, 'cond2' => $cond2, 'type' => $type ); return $this; } public function addField($field) { if (!in_array($field, $this->_fields)) { $this->_fields[] = $field; } return $this; } protected function _sanitizeValue($val, $search = false) { if (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = '\'' . $val . '\''; } return $val; } public function insertInto($table) { $this->_setOperation('insert'); $this->_tables[] = $table; return $this; } public function fields($fields) { if (!in_array($this->_operation, array('INSERT', 'UPDATE'))) { throw new Exception('Only INSERT and Update operations.'); } $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); $this->_fields = $args; return $this; } public function values($values) { if (!in_array($this->_operation, array('INSERT', 'UPDATE'))) { throw new Exception('Only INSERT and Update operations.'); } $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); if (count($args) != count($this->_fields)) { throw new Exception('Number of values has to be equal to the number of fields.'); } if ($this->_operation == 'INSERT') { $this->_values[] = $args; } elseif ($this->_operation == 'UPDATE') { $this->_values = $args; } return $this; } public function deleteFrom($table) { $this->_setOperation('delete'); $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); $this->_tables = $args; return $this; } public function update($table) { $this->_setOperation('update'); $this->_tables = array($table); return $this; } public function set($field) { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) == 2) { $args = array($args[0] => $args[1]); } else { $args = $this->_getArgs(func_get_args()); } foreach ($args as $field => $val) { if (!in_array($field, $this->_fields)) { $this->_fields[] = $field; $this->_values[] = $val; } } return $this; } private function _setOperation($operation) { if ($this->_operation) { throw new Exception('Can\'t modify the operator.'); } elseif (!in_array($operation, array('select', 'insert', 'delete', 'update'))) { throw new Exception('Unsupported operator:' . strtoupper($operation)); } else { $operation = strtoupper($operation); $this->_operation = $operation; } } private function _getArgs($args) { $argsCnt = count($args); if (!$argsCnt) { return array(); } if ($argsCnt == 1) { if (!is_array($args[0])) { return array($args[0]); } return $args[0]; } else { $return = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { $return[] = $arg; } return $return; } } public function build() { $statement = array(); $this->_buildOperator($statement); $op = '_build' . $this->_operation; $this->$op($statement); $this->_buildJoin($statement); $this->_buildWhereOn($statement, 'where'); $this->_buildGroupBy($statement); $this->_buildOrderBy($statement); $this->_buildLimit($statement); return implode(' ', $statement); } private function _buildJoin(&$statement) { if (!$this->_join) { return; } $statement[] = $this->_join; if ($this->_using) { $statement[] = 'USING(' . $this->_using . ')'; } $this->_buildWhereOn($statement, 'on'); } private function _buildUpdate(&$statement) { $statement[] = implode(', ', $this->_tables); $statement[] = 'SET'; $set = array(); foreach($this->_fields as $k => $f) { $set[] = $f . ' = ' . $this->_sanitizeValue($this->_values[$k]); } $statement[] = implode(', ', $set); } private function _buildDELETE(&$statement) { $statement[] = 'FROM ' . implode(', ', $this->_tables); } private function _buildSELECT(&$statement) { $statement[] = implode(', ', $this->_fields); $statement[] = 'FROM ' . implode(', ', $this->_tables); } private function _buildINSERT(&$statement) { $statement[] = 'INTO'; $statement[] = implode(', ', $this->_tables); $this->_buildINSERTFields($statement); $statement[] = 'VALUES'; $this->_buildINSERTValues($statement); } private function _buildINSERTFields(&$statement) { $statement[] = '(' . implode(', ', $this->_fields) . ')'; } private function _buildINSERTValues(&$statement) { $values = array(); foreach ($this->_values as $val) { foreach ($val as & $v) { $v = $this->_sanitizeValue($v); } $values[] = '(' . implode(', ', $val) . ')'; } $statement[] = implode(', ', $values); } private function _buildOperator(&$statement) { $statement[] = $this->_operation; } private function _buildWhereOn(&$statement, $type) { if (!in_array($this->_operation, array('UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'SELECT'))) { return; } if (count($this->{'_' . strtolower($type)})) { $statement[] = strtoupper($type); foreach ($this->{'_' . strtolower($type)} as $where) { $tmp = array($where['type'], $where['cond1'], $where['operand']); if ($where['operand'] != 'IN') { if ($type == 'where') { $tmp[] = $this->_sanitizeValue($where['cond2'], $where['operand'] == 'LIKE'); } else { $tmp[] = $where['cond2']; } } else { $ins = array(); if (!is_array($where['cond2'])) { $ins = array($where['cond2']); } else { foreach($where['cond2'] as $c2) { $ins[] = $this->_sanitizeValue($c2, false); } } $tmp[2] = $tmp[2] . '(' . implode(', ', $ins) . ')'; } $statement[] = implode(' ', $tmp); } } } private function _buildGroupBy(&$statement) { if ($this->_operation != 'SELECT') { return; } if (count($this->_groupBy)) { $statement[] = 'GROUP BY'; $gbs = array(); foreach ($this->_groupBy as $gb) { $gbs[] = $gb; } $statement[] = implode(', ', $gbs); } } private function _buildOrderBy(&$statement) { if ($this->_operation != 'SELECT') { return; } if (count($this->_orderBy)) { $statement[] = 'ORDER BY'; $obs = array(); foreach ($this->_orderBy as $ob) { $obs[] = $ob; } $statement[] = implode(', ', $obs); $statement[] = $this->_order; } } private function _buildLimit(&$statement) { if ($this->_offset > 0 && $this->_limit > 0) { $statement[] = 'LIMIT ' . $this->_offset . ', ' . $this->_limit; } elseif ($this->_offset > 0) { $statement[] = 'OFFSET ' . $this->_offset; } elseif ($this->_limit > 0) { $statement[] = 'LIMIT ' . $this->_limit; } } }