'(int) Site ID', 'name' => '(string) Title of site', 'description' => '(string) Tagline or description of site', 'URL' => '(string) Full URL to the site', 'user_can_manage' => '(bool) The current user can manage this site', // deprecated 'capabilities' => '(array) Array of capabilities for the current user on this site.', 'jetpack' => '(bool) Whether the site is a Jetpack site or not', 'is_multisite' => '(bool) Whether the site is a Multisite site or not. Always true for WP.com sites.', 'post_count' => '(int) The number of posts the site has', 'subscribers_count' => '(int) The number of subscribers the site has', 'lang' => '(string) Primary language code of the site', 'icon' => '(array) An array of icon formats for the site', 'logo' => '(array) The site logo, set in the Customizer', 'visible' => '(bool) If this site is visible in the user\'s site list', 'is_private' => '(bool) If the site is a private site or not', 'single_user_site' => '(bool) Whether the site is single user. Only returned for WP.com sites and for Jetpack sites with version 3.4 or higher.', 'is_vip' => '(bool) If the site is a VIP site or not.', 'is_following' => '(bool) If the current user is subscribed to this site in the reader', 'options' => '(array) An array of options/settings for the blog. Only viewable by users with post editing rights to the site. Note: Post formats is deprecated, please see /sites/$id/post-formats/', 'plan' => '(array) Details of the current plan for this site.', 'updates' => '(array) An array of available updates for plugins, themes, wordpress, and languages.', 'jetpack_modules' => '(array) A list of active Jetpack modules.', 'meta' => '(object) Meta data', ); protected static $no_member_fields = array( 'ID', 'name', 'description', 'URL', 'jetpack', 'post_count', 'subscribers_count', 'lang', 'locale', 'icon', 'logo', 'visible', 'is_private', 'is_following', 'meta', ); protected static $site_options_format = array( 'timezone', 'gmt_offset', 'videopress_enabled', 'upgraded_filetypes_enabled', 'login_url', 'admin_url', 'is_mapped_domain', 'is_redirect', 'unmapped_url', 'featured_images_enabled', 'theme_slug', 'header_image', 'background_color', 'image_default_link_type', 'image_thumbnail_width', 'image_thumbnail_height', 'image_thumbnail_crop', 'image_medium_width', 'image_medium_height', 'image_large_width', 'image_large_height', 'permalink_structure', 'post_formats', 'default_post_format', 'default_category', 'allowed_file_types', 'show_on_front', /** This filter is documented in modules/likes.php */ 'default_likes_enabled', 'default_sharing_status', 'default_comment_status', 'default_ping_status', 'software_version', 'created_at', 'wordads', 'publicize_permanently_disabled', 'frame_nonce', 'page_on_front', 'page_for_posts', 'headstart', 'ak_vp_bundle_enabled', 'verification_services_codes', Jetpack_SEO_Utils::FRONT_PAGE_META_OPTION, Jetpack_SEO_Titles::TITLE_FORMATS_OPTION, ); protected static $jetpack_response_field_additions = array( 'subscribers_count', ); protected static $jetpack_response_field_member_additions = array( 'capabilities', 'plan', ); protected static $jetpack_response_option_additions = array( 'publicize_permanently_disabled', 'ak_vp_bundle_enabled' ); private $site; // protected $compact = null; protected $fields_to_include = '_all'; protected $options_to_include = '_all'; // /sites/mine // /sites/%s -> $blog_id function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { if ( 'mine' === $blog_id ) { $api = WPCOM_JSON_API::init(); if ( ! $api->token_details || empty( $api->token_details['blog_id'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'authorization_required', 'An active access token must be used to query information about the current blog.', 403 ); } $blog_id = $api->token_details['blog_id']; } $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } // TODO: enable this when we can do so without being interfered with by // other endpoints that might be wrapping this one. // Uncomment and see failing test: test_jetpack_site_should_have_true_jetpack_property_via_site_meta // $this->filter_fields_and_options(); $response = $this->build_current_site_response(); /** This action is documented in json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-site-settings-endpoint.php */ do_action( 'wpcom_json_api_objects', 'sites' ); return $response; } public function filter_fields_and_options() { $query_args = $this->query_args(); $this->fields_to_include = empty( $query_args['fields'] ) ? '_all' : array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $query_args['fields'] ) ); $this->options_to_include = empty( $query_args['options'] ) ? '_all' : array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $query_args['options'] ) ); } /** * Collects the necessary information to return for a site's response. * * @return (array) */ public function build_current_site_response() { $blog_id = (int) $this->api->get_blog_id_for_output(); $this->site = $this->get_platform()->get_site( $blog_id ); /** * Filter the structure of information about the site to return. * * @module json-api * * @since 3.9.3 * * @param array $site_format Data structure. */ $default_fields = array_keys( apply_filters( 'sites_site_format', self::$site_format ) ); $response_keys = is_array( $this->fields_to_include ) ? array_intersect( $default_fields, $this->fields_to_include ) : $default_fields; if ( ! is_user_member_of_blog( get_current_user_id(), get_current_blog_id() ) ) { $response_keys = array_intersect( $response_keys, self::$no_member_fields ); } return $this->render_response_keys( $response_keys ); } private function render_response_keys( &$response_keys ) { $response = array(); $is_user_logged_in = is_user_logged_in(); $this->site->before_render(); foreach ( $response_keys as $key ) { $this->render_response_key( $key, $response, $is_user_logged_in ); } $this->site->after_render( $response ); return $response; } protected function render_response_key( $key, &$response, $is_user_logged_in ) { do_action( 'pre_render_site_response_key', $key ); switch ( $key ) { case 'ID' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->blog_id; break; case 'name' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_name(); break; case 'description' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_description(); break; case 'URL' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_url(); break; case 'user_can_manage' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->user_can_manage(); case 'is_private' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_private(); break; case 'visible' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_visible(); break; case 'subscribers_count' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_subscribers_count(); break; case 'post_count' : if ( $is_user_logged_in ) { $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_post_count(); } break; case 'icon' : $icon = $this->site->get_icon(); if ( ! is_null( $icon ) ) { $response[ $key ] = $icon; } break; case 'logo' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_logo(); break; case 'is_following': $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_following(); break; case 'options': // small optimisation - don't recalculate $all_options = apply_filters( 'sites_site_options_format', self::$site_options_format ); $options_response_keys = is_array( $this->options_to_include ) ? array_intersect( $all_options, $this->options_to_include ) : $all_options; $options = $this->render_option_keys( $options_response_keys ); $this->site->after_render_options( $options ); $response[ $key ] = (object) $options; break; case 'meta': $this->build_meta_response( $response ); break; case 'lang' : $response[ $key ] = $is_user_logged_in ? $this->site->get_locale() : false; break; case 'locale' : $response[ $key ] = $is_user_logged_in ? $this->site->get_locale() : false; break; case 'jetpack' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_jetpack(); break; case 'single_user_site' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_single_user_site(); break; case 'is_vip' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_vip(); break; case 'is_multisite' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->is_multisite(); break; case 'capabilities' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_capabilities(); break; case 'jetpack_modules': $jetpack_modules = $this->site->get_jetpack_modules(); if ( ! is_null( $jetpack_modules ) ) { $response[ $key ] = $jetpack_modules; } break; case 'plan' : $response[ $key ] = $this->site->get_plan(); break; } do_action( 'post_render_site_response_key', $key ); } protected function render_option_keys( &$options_response_keys ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ) { return array(); } $options = array(); $site = $this->site; $custom_front_page = $site->is_custom_front_page(); foreach ( $options_response_keys as $key ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'timezone' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_timezone(); break; case 'gmt_offset' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_gmt_offset(); break; case 'videopress_enabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->has_videopress(); break; case 'upgraded_filetypes_enabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->upgraded_filetypes_enabled(); break; case 'login_url' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_login_url(); break; case 'admin_url' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_admin_url(); break; case 'is_mapped_domain' : $options[ $key ] = $site->is_mapped_domain(); break; case 'is_redirect' : $options[ $key ] = $site->is_redirect(); break; case 'unmapped_url' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_unmapped_url(); break; case 'featured_images_enabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->featured_images_enabled(); break; case 'theme_slug' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_theme_slug(); break; case 'header_image' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_header_image(); break; case 'background_color' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_background_color(); break; case 'image_default_link_type' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_default_link_type(); break; case 'image_thumbnail_width' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_thumbnail_width(); break; case 'image_thumbnail_height' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_thumbnail_height(); break; case 'image_thumbnail_crop' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_thumbnail_crop(); break; case 'image_medium_width' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_medium_width(); break; case 'image_medium_height' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_medium_height(); break; case 'image_large_width' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_large_width(); break; case 'image_large_height' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_image_large_height(); break; case 'permalink_structure' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_permalink_structure(); break; case 'post_formats' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_post_formats(); break; case 'default_post_format' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_default_post_format(); break; case 'default_category' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_default_category(); break; case 'allowed_file_types' : $options[ $key ] = $site->allowed_file_types(); break; case 'show_on_front' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_show_on_front(); break; /** This filter is documented in modules/likes.php */ case 'default_likes_enabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_default_likes_enabled(); break; case 'default_sharing_status' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_default_sharing_status(); break; case 'default_comment_status' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_default_comment_status(); break; case 'default_ping_status' : $options[ $key ] = $site->default_ping_status(); break; case 'software_version' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_wordpress_version(); break; case 'created_at' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_registered_date(); break; case 'wordads' : $options[ $key ] = $site->has_wordads(); break; case 'publicize_permanently_disabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->is_publicize_permanently_disabled(); break; case 'frame_nonce' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_frame_nonce(); break; case 'page_on_front' : if ( $custom_front_page ) { $options[ $key ] = $site->get_page_on_front(); } break; case 'page_for_posts' : if ( $custom_front_page ) { $options[ $key ] = $site->get_page_for_posts(); } break; case 'headstart' : $options[ $key ] = $site->is_headstart(); break; case 'ak_vp_bundle_enabled' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_ak_vp_bundle_enabled(); break; case Jetpack_SEO_Utils::FRONT_PAGE_META_OPTION : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_jetpack_seo_front_page_description(); break; case Jetpack_SEO_Titles::TITLE_FORMATS_OPTION : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_jetpack_seo_title_formats(); break; case 'verification_services_codes' : $options[ $key ] = $site->get_verification_services_codes(); break; } } return $options; } protected function build_meta_response( &$response ) { $links = array( 'self' => (string) $this->links->get_site_link( $this->site->blog_id ), 'help' => (string) $this->links->get_site_link( $this->site->blog_id, 'help' ), 'posts' => (string) $this->links->get_site_link( $this->site->blog_id, 'posts/' ), 'comments' => (string) $this->links->get_site_link( $this->site->blog_id, 'comments/' ), 'xmlrpc' => (string) $this->site->get_xmlrpc_url(), ); $icon = $this->site->get_icon(); if ( ! empty( $icon ) && ! empty( $icon['media_id'] ) ) { $links['site_icon'] = (string) $this->links->get_site_link( $this->site->blog_id, 'media/' . $icon['media_id'] ); } $response['meta'] = (object) array( 'links' => (object) $links ); } // apply any WPCOM-only response components to a Jetpack site response public function decorate_jetpack_response( &$response ) { $this->site = $this->get_platform()->get_site( $response->ID ); // ensure the response is marked as being from Jetpack $response->jetpack = true; $wpcom_response = $this->render_response_keys( self::$jetpack_response_field_additions ); foreach( $wpcom_response as $key => $value ) { $response->{ $key } = $value; } $token_details = (object) $this->api->token_details; if ( is_user_member_of_blog( get_current_user_id(), get_current_blog_id() ) || 'blog' === $token_details->access ) { $wpcom_member_response = $this->render_response_keys( self::$jetpack_response_field_member_additions ); foreach( $wpcom_member_response as $key => $value ) { $response->{ $key } = $value; } } else { // ensure private data is not rendered for non members of the site unset( $response->options ); unset( $response->is_vip ); unset( $response->single_user_site ); unset( $response->is_private ); unset( $response->capabilities ); unset( $response->lang ); unset( $response->user_can_manage ); unset( $response->is_multisite ); unset( $response->plan ); } // render additional options if ( $response->options ) { $wpcom_options_response = $this->render_option_keys( self::$jetpack_response_option_additions ); foreach ( $wpcom_options_response as $key => $value ) { $response->options[ $key ] = $value; } } return $response; // possibly no need since it's modified in place } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Post_Formats_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Endpoint { // /sites/%s/post-formats -> $blog_id function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } if ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ) { $this->load_theme_functions(); } // Get a list of supported post formats. $all_formats = get_post_format_strings(); $supported = get_theme_support( 'post-formats' ); $supported_formats = $response['formats'] = array(); if ( isset( $supported[0] ) ) { foreach ( $supported[0] as $format ) { $supported_formats[ $format ] = $all_formats[ $format ]; } } $response['formats'] = (object) $supported_formats; return $response; } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Page_Templates_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Endpoint { // /sites/%s/page-templates -> $blog_id function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } if ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ) { $this->load_theme_functions(); } $response = array(); $page_templates = array(); $templates = get_page_templates(); ksort( $templates ); foreach ( array_keys( $templates ) as $label ) { $page_templates[] = array( 'label' => $label, 'file' => $templates[ $label ] ); } $response['templates'] = $page_templates; return $response; } }