<?php abstract class WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Endpoint { public static $all_visibilities = array( 'visible', 'hidden' ); protected $sharing_service; protected function setup() { if ( class_exists( 'Sharing_Service' ) ) { $this->sharing_service = new Sharing_Service(); } if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'forbidden', 'You do not have the capability to manage sharing buttons for this site', 403 ); } else if ( ! class_exists( 'Sharing_Service' ) || ! class_exists( 'Sharing_Source' ) || ( method_exists( 'Jetpack', 'is_module_active' ) && ! Jetpack::is_module_active( 'sharedaddy' ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_jetpack_module', 'The Sharing module must be activated in order to use this endpoint', 400 ); } } public function format_sharing_button( $button ) { $response = array( 'ID' => $button->get_id(), 'name' => $button->get_name(), 'shortname' => $button->shortname, 'custom' => is_a( $button, 'Share_Custom' ), 'enabled' => $this->is_button_enabled( $button ), ); if ( $response['enabled'] ) { // Status is either "disabled" or the visibility value $response['visibility'] = $this->get_button_visibility( $button ); } if ( ! empty( $button->icon ) ) { // Only pre-defined sharing buttons include genericon $response['genericon'] = $button->icon; } if ( method_exists( $button, 'get_options' ) ) { // merge get_options() values into response, primarily to account // for custom sharing button values foreach ( $button->get_options() as $key => $value ) { // Capitalize URL property if ( 'url' === strtolower( $key ) ) { $key = strtoupper( $key ); } $response[ $key ] = $value; } } return $response; } public function get_button_visibility( $button ) { $services = $this->sharing_service->get_blog_services(); $visibilities = self::$all_visibilities; $button_id = $button->get_id(); foreach ( $visibilities as $visibility ) { if ( isset( $services[ $visibility ][ $button_id ] ) ) { return $visibility; } } return false; } public function is_button_enabled( $button ) { return false !== $this->get_button_visibility( $button ); } protected function is_button_input_for_custom( $button ) { return ( isset( $button['custom'] ) && $button['custom'] ) || ( isset( $button['ID'] ) && 1 === preg_match( '/^custom-/', $button['ID'] ) ) || ! empty( $button['name'] ) || ! empty( $button['URL'] ) || ! empty( $button['icon'] ); } protected function validate_button_input( $button, $is_new = false ) { if ( ! empty( $button['visibility'] ) && ! in_array( $button['visibility'], self::$all_visibilities ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_visibility', sprintf( 'The visibility field must be one of the following values: %s', implode( ', ', self::$all_visibilities ) ), 400 ); } else if ( $is_new && empty( $button['URL'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_request', 'The URL field is required', 400 ); } else if ( $is_new && empty( $button['icon'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_request', 'The icon field is required', 400 ); } } public function create_custom_button( $button ) { // Default visibility to 'visible' if enabled if ( empty( $button['visibility'] ) && true === $button['enabled'] ) { $button['visibility'] = 'visible'; } $updated_service = $this->sharing_service->new_service( $button['name'], $button['URL'], $button['icon'] ); if ( false !== $updated_service && ( true === $button['enabled'] || ! empty( $button['visibility'] ) ) ) { $blog_services = $this->sharing_service->get_blog_services(); $blog_services[ $button['visibility'] ][ (string) $updated_service->get_id() ] = $updated_service; $this->sharing_service->set_blog_services( array_keys( $blog_services['visible'] ), array_keys( $blog_services['hidden'] ) ); } return $updated_service; } public function update_button( $button_id, $button ) { $blog_services = $this->sharing_service->get_blog_services(); // Find existing button $all_buttons = $this->sharing_service->get_all_services_blog(); if ( ! array_key_exists( $button_id, $all_buttons ) ) { // Button doesn't exist return new WP_Error( 'not_found', 'The specified sharing button was not found', 404 ); } $updated_service = $all_buttons[ $button_id ]; $service_id = $updated_service->get_id(); if ( is_a( $all_buttons[ $button_id ], 'Share_Custom' ) ) { // Replace options for existing custom button $options = $updated_service->get_options(); $name = isset( $button['name'] ) ? $button['name'] : $options['name']; $url = isset( $button['URL'] ) ? $button['URL'] : $options['url']; $icon = isset( $button['icon'] ) ? $button['icon'] : $options['icon']; $updated_service = new Share_Custom( $service_id, array( 'name' => $name, 'url' => $url, 'icon' => $icon ) ); $this->sharing_service->set_service( $button_id, $updated_service ); } // Default visibility to 'visible' if enabled if ( empty( $button['visibility'] ) && true === $button['enabled'] ) { $button['visibility'] = 'visible'; } else if ( false === $button['enabled'] ) { unset( $button['visibility'] ); } // Update button visibility and enabled status $visibility_changed = ( isset( $button['visibility'] ) || true === $button['enabled'] ) && ! array_key_exists( $service_id, $blog_services[ $button['visibility'] ] ); $is_disabling = false === $button['enabled']; if ( $visibility_changed || $is_disabling ) { // Remove from all other visibilities foreach ( $blog_services as $service_visibility => $services ) { if ( $is_disabling || $service_visibility !== $button['visibility'] ) { unset( $blog_services[ $service_visibility ][ $service_id ] ); } } if ( $visibility_changed ) { $blog_services[ $button['visibility'] ][ $service_id ] = $updated_service; } $this->sharing_service->set_blog_services( array_keys( $blog_services['visible'] ), array_keys( $blog_services['hidden'] ) ); } return $updated_service; } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Sharing_Buttons_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint { // GET /sites/%s/sharing-buttons -> $blog_id public function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { $args = $this->query_args(); // Validate request $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $continue = $this->setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $continue ) ) { return $continue; } if ( ! empty( $args['visibility'] ) && ! in_array( $args['visibility'], self::$all_visibilities ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_visibility', sprintf( 'The visibility field must be one of the following values: %s', implode( ', ', self::$all_visibilities ) ), 400 ); } // Determine which visibilities to include based on request $visibilities = empty( $args['visibility'] ) ? self::$all_visibilities : array( $args['visibility'] ); // Discover enabled services $buttons = array(); $enabled_services = $this->sharing_service->get_blog_services(); $all_services = $this->sharing_service->get_all_services_blog(); // Include buttons of desired visibility foreach ( $visibilities as $visibility ) { $buttons = array_merge( $buttons, $enabled_services[ $visibility ] ); } // Unless `enabled_only` or `visibility` is specified, append the // remaining buttons to the end of the array if ( ( ! isset( $args['enabled_only'] ) || ! $args['enabled_only'] ) && empty( $args['visibility'] ) ) { foreach ( $all_services as $id => $button ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $id, $buttons ) ) { $buttons[ $id ] = $button; } } } // Format each button in the response $response = array(); foreach ( $buttons as $button ) { $response[] = $this->format_sharing_button( $button ); } return array( 'found' => count( $response ), 'sharing_buttons' => $response ); } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_Get_Sharing_Button_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint { // GET /sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s -> $blog_id, $button_id public function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0, $button_id = 0 ) { // Validate request $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $continue = $this->setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $continue ) ) { return $continue; } // Search existing services for button $all_buttons = $this->sharing_service->get_all_services_blog(); if ( ! array_key_exists( $button_id, $all_buttons ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'not_found', 'The specified sharing button was not found', 404 ); } else { return $this->format_sharing_button( $all_buttons[ $button_id ] ); } } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Sharing_Buttons_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint { // POST /sites/%s/sharing-buttons -> $blog_id public function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { $input = $this->input(); // Validate request $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $continue = $this->setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $continue ) ) { return $continue; } $all_buttons = $this->sharing_service->get_all_services_blog(); if ( ! isset( $input['sharing_buttons'] ) ) { $input['sharing_buttons'] = array(); } // We do a first pass of all buttons to verify that no validation // issues exist before continuing to update foreach ( $input['sharing_buttons'] as $button ) { $button_exists = isset( $button['ID'] ) && array_key_exists( $button['ID'], $all_buttons ); $is_custom = $this->is_button_input_for_custom( $button ); // If neither custom nor existing, bail if ( ! $button_exists && ! $is_custom ) { return new WP_Error( 'not_found', 'The specified sharing button was not found', 404 ); } // Validate input, only testing custom values if the button doesn't // already exist $validation_error = $this->validate_button_input( $button, ! $button_exists ); if ( is_wp_error( $validation_error ) ) { return $validation_error; } } // Reset all existing buttons $this->sharing_service->set_blog_services( array(), array() ); // Finally, we iterate over each button and update or create $success = true; $updated = array(); foreach ( $input['sharing_buttons'] as $button ) { $button_exists = isset( $button['ID'] ) && array_key_exists( $button['ID'], $all_buttons ); if ( $button_exists ) { $updated_service = $this->update_button( $button['ID'], $button ); } else { $updated_service = $this->create_custom_button( $button ); } // We'll allow the request to continue if a failure occurred, but // log it for the response if ( false === $updated_service ) { $success = false; } else { $updated[] = $this->format_sharing_button( $updated_service ); } } return array( 'success' => $success, 'updated' => $updated ); } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Sharing_Button_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint { // POST /sites/%s/sharing-buttons/new -> $blog_id // POST /sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s -> $blog_id, $button_id public function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0, $button_id = 0 ) { $new = $this->api->ends_with( $path, '/new' ); $input = $this->input(); // Validate request $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $continue = $this->setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $continue ) ) { return $continue; } $validation_error = $this->validate_button_input( $input, $new ); if ( is_wp_error( $validation_error ) ) { return $validation_error; } // Update or create button if ( $new ) { $updated_service = $this->create_custom_button( $input ); } else { $updated_service = $this->update_button( $button_id, $input ); } if ( false === $updated_service ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_request', sprintf( 'The sharing button was not %s', $new ? 'created' : 'updated' ), 400 ); } else if ( is_wp_error( $updated_service ) ) { return $updated_service; } else { return $this->format_sharing_button( $updated_service ); } } } class WPCOM_JSON_API_Delete_Sharing_Button_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Sharing_Button_Endpoint { // POST /sites/%s/sharing-buttons/%s/delete -> $blog_id, $button_id public function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0, $button_id = 0 ) { // Validate request $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user( $this->api->get_blog_id( $blog_id ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $blog_id ) ) { return $blog_id; } $continue = $this->setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $continue ) ) { return $continue; } // Find existing button $all_buttons = $this->sharing_service->get_all_services_blog(); if ( ! array_key_exists( $button_id, $all_buttons ) ) { // Button doesn't exist return new WP_Error( 'not_found', 'The specified sharing button was not found', 404 ); } // Verify button is custom if ( ! is_a( $all_buttons[ $button_id ], 'Share_Custom' ) ) { return new WP_error( 'invalid_request', 'Only custom sharing buttons can be deleted', 400 ); } $success = $this->sharing_service->delete_service( $button_id ); return array( 'ID' => $button_id, 'success' => $success ); } }