default_color_scheme = 'light'; } elseif ( false !== stripos( $theme_color_scheme, 'dark' ) ) { $this->default_color_scheme = 'dark'; } } /** Private Methods *******************************************************/ /** * Set any global variables or class variables * @since JetpackComments (1.4) */ protected function setup_globals() { parent::setup_globals(); // Sources $this->id_sources = array( 'guest', 'jetpack', 'wordpress', 'twitter', 'facebook' ); } /** * Setup actions for methods in this class * @since JetpackComments (1.4) */ protected function setup_actions() { parent::setup_actions(); // Selfishly remove everything from the existing comment form remove_all_actions( 'comment_form_before' ); remove_all_actions( 'comment_form_after' ); // Selfishly add only our actions back to the comment form add_action( 'comment_form_before', array( $this, 'comment_form_before' ) ); add_action( 'comment_form_after', array( $this, 'comment_form_after' ) ); // Before a comment is posted add_action( 'pre_comment_on_post', array( $this, 'pre_comment_on_post' ), 1 ); // After a comment is posted add_action( 'comment_post', array( $this, 'add_comment_meta' ) ); } /** * Setup filters for methods in this class * @since 1.6.2 */ protected function setup_filters() { parent::setup_filters(); add_filter( 'comment_post_redirect', array( $this, 'capture_comment_post_redirect_to_reload_parent_frame' ), 100 ); add_filter( 'get_avatar', array( $this, 'get_avatar' ), 10, 4 ); } /** * Get the comment avatar from Gravatar, Twitter, or Facebook * * @since JetpackComments (1.4) * @param string $avatar Current avatar URL * @param string $comment Comment for the avatar * @param int $size Size of the avatar * @param string $default Not used * @return string New avatar */ public function get_avatar( $avatar, $comment, $size, $default ) { if ( ! isset( $comment->comment_post_ID ) || ! isset( $comment->comment_ID ) ) { // it's not a comment - bail return $avatar; } // Detect whether it's a Facebook or Twitter avatar $foreign_avatar = get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'hc_avatar', true ); $foreign_avatar_hostname = parse_url( $foreign_avatar, PHP_URL_HOST ); if ( ! $foreign_avatar_hostname || ! preg_match( '/\.?(graph\.facebook\.com|twimg\.com)$/', $foreign_avatar_hostname ) ) { return $avatar; } // Return the FB or Twitter avatar return preg_replace( '#src=([\'"])[^\'"]+\\1#', 'src=\\1' . esc_url( $this->photon_avatar( $foreign_avatar, $size ) ) . '\\1', $avatar ); } /** Output Methods ********************************************************/ /** * Start capturing the core comment_form() output * @since JetpackComments (1.4) */ public function comment_form_before() { /** * Filters the setting that determines if Jetpagk comments should be enabled for * the current post type. * * @module comments * * @since 3.8.1 * * @param boolean $return Should comments be enabled? */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'jetpack_comment_form_enabled_for_' . get_post_type(), true ) ) { return; } // Add some JS to the footer add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'watch_comment_parent' ), 100 ); ob_start(); } /** * Noop the default comment form output, get some options, and output our * tricked out totally radical comment form. * * @since JetpackComments (1.4) */ public function comment_form_after() { /** This filter is documented in modules/comments/comments.php */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'jetpack_comment_form_enabled_for_' . get_post_type(), true ) ) { return; } // Throw it all out and drop in our replacement ob_end_clean(); // If users are required to be logged in, and they're not, then we don't need to do anything else if ( get_option( 'comment_registration' ) && !is_user_logged_in() ) { /** * Changes the log in to comment prompt. * * @module comments * * @since 1.4.0 * * @param string $var Default is "You must log in to post a comment." */ echo '

' . sprintf( apply_filters( 'jetpack_must_log_in_to_comment', __( 'You must log in to post a comment.', 'jetpack' ) ), wp_login_url( get_permalink() . '#respond' ) ) . '

'; return; } if ( in_array( 'subscriptions', Jetpack::get_active_modules() ) ) { $stb_enabled = get_option( 'stb_enabled', 1 ); $stb_enabled = empty( $stb_enabled ) ? 0 : 1; $stc_enabled = get_option( 'stc_enabled', 1 ); $stc_enabled = empty( $stc_enabled ) ? 0 : 1; } else { $stb_enabled = 0; $stc_enabled = 0; } $params = array( 'blogid' => Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'id' ), 'postid' => get_the_ID(), 'comment_registration' => ( get_option( 'comment_registration' ) ? '1' : '0' ), // Need to explicitly send a '1' or a '0' for these 'require_name_email' => ( get_option( 'require_name_email' ) ? '1' : '0' ), 'stc_enabled' => $stc_enabled, 'stb_enabled' => $stb_enabled, 'show_avatars' => ( get_option( 'show_avatars' ) ? '1' : '0' ), 'avatar_default' => get_option( 'avatar_default' ), 'greeting' => get_option( 'highlander_comment_form_prompt', __( 'Leave a Reply', 'jetpack' ) ), /** * Changes the comment form prompt. * * @module comments * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param string $var Default is "Leave a Reply to %s." */ 'greeting_reply' => apply_filters( 'jetpack_comment_form_prompt_reply', __( 'Leave a Reply to %s' , 'jetpack' ) ), 'color_scheme' => get_option( 'jetpack_comment_form_color_scheme', $this->default_color_scheme ), 'lang' => get_locale(), 'jetpack_version' => JETPACK__VERSION, ); // Extra parameters for logged in user if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $params['hc_post_as'] = 'jetpack'; $params['hc_userid'] = $current_user->ID; $params['hc_username'] = $current_user->display_name; $params['hc_userurl'] = $current_user->user_url; $params['hc_useremail'] = md5( strtolower( trim( $current_user->user_email ) ) ); if ( current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) $params['_wp_unfiltered_html_comment'] = wp_create_nonce( 'unfiltered-html-comment_' . get_the_ID() ); } $signature = Jetpack_Comments::sign_remote_comment_parameters( $params, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'blog_token' ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $signature ) ) { $signature = 'error'; } $params['sig'] = $signature; $url = "" . http_build_query( $params ); $url = "{$url}#parent=" . urlencode( set_url_scheme( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ); $this->signed_url = $url; $height = $params['comment_registration'] || is_user_logged_in() ? '315' : '430'; // Iframe can be shorter if we're not allowing guest commenting $transparent = ( $params['color_scheme'] == 'transparent' ) ? 'true' : 'false'; if ( isset( $_GET['replytocom'] ) ) { $url .= '&replytocom=' . (int) $_GET['replytocom']; } /** * Filter whether the comment title can be displayed. * * @module comments * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param bool $show Can the comment be displayed? Default to true. */ $show_greeting = apply_filters( 'jetpack_comment_form_display_greeting', true ); // The actual iframe (loads comment form from Jetpack server) ?>

is_highlander_comment_post() ) { case 'facebook' : $comment_meta['hc_post_as'] = 'facebook'; $comment_meta['hc_avatar'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_avatar'] ); $comment_meta['hc_foreign_user_id'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_userid'] ); break; case 'twitter' : $comment_meta['hc_post_as'] = 'twitter'; $comment_meta['hc_avatar'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_avatar'] ); $comment_meta['hc_foreign_user_id'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_userid'] ); break; case 'wordpress' : $comment_meta['hc_post_as'] = 'wordpress'; $comment_meta['hc_avatar'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_avatar'] ); $comment_meta['hc_foreign_user_id'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_userid'] ); $comment_meta['hc_wpcom_id_sig'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_wpcom_id_sig'] ); //since 1.9 break; case 'jetpack' : $comment_meta['hc_post_as'] = 'jetpack'; $comment_meta['hc_avatar'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_avatar'] ); $comment_meta['hc_foreign_user_id'] = stripslashes( $_POST['hc_userid'] ); break; } // Bail if no extra comment meta if ( empty( $comment_meta ) ) return; // Loop through extra meta and add values foreach ( $comment_meta as $key => $value ) add_comment_meta( $comment_id, $key, $value, true ); } function capture_comment_post_redirect_to_reload_parent_frame( $url ) { if ( !isset( $_GET['for'] ) || 'jetpack' != $_GET['for'] ) { return $url; } ?> > <?php printf( __( 'Submitting Comment%s', 'jetpack' ), '…' ); ?>

…' ); ?>