return self::has_legacy_atts( $normalized_atts )
? self::convert_to_legacy_studio( $normalized_atts )
: self::convert_to_new_studio( $normalized_atts );
* We need to take care of two kinds of shortcode format here.
* The latest: [shortcode a=1 b=2] and the legacy: [shortcode a=1&b=2]
* For an old shortcode: [shortcode a=1&b=2&c=3], it would be parsed into array( 'a' => 1&b=2&c=3' ), which is useless.
* However, since we want to determine whether to call convert_to_legacy_studio() or convert_to_new_studio() via passed parameters, we still need to parse the two properly.
* See http://jetpack.wp-a2z.org/oik_api/shortcode_new_to_old_params/
* @since 4.5.0
* @param array $atts Shortcode parameters.
* @return array
static public function normalize_attributes( $atts ) {
if ( 1 == count( $atts ) ) { // this is the case we need to take care of.
$parsed_atts = array();
$params = shortcode_new_to_old_params( $atts );
$params = apply_filters( 'brightcove_dimensions', $params );
parse_str( $params, $parsed_atts );
return $parsed_atts;
} else {
return $atts;
* Check that it has legacy attributes.
* @since 4.5.0
* @param array $atts Shortcode parameters.
* @return bool
static public function has_legacy_atts( $atts ) {
return ( isset( $atts[ 'vid' ] ) || isset( $atts[ 'vref' ] ) )
&& ( isset( $atts[ 'exp' ] ) || isset( $atts[ 'exp3' ] ) );
* Convert to latest player format.
* @since 4.5.0
* @param array $atts Shortcode parameters.
* @return string
static public function convert_to_new_studio( $atts ) {
$defaults = array(
'account_id' => '',
'video_id' => '',
'player_id' => 'default',
'width' => '100%',
'height' => '100%',
$atts_applied = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts, self::$shortcode );
$player_url = sprintf(
esc_attr( $atts_applied['account_id'] ),
esc_attr( $atts_applied['player_id'] ),
esc_attr( $atts_applied['video_id'] )
$output_html = sprintf(
esc_attr( $atts_applied['width'] ),
esc_attr( $atts_applied['height'] )
return $output_html;
* Convert to legacy player format.
* [brightcove exp=627045696&vid=1415670151] for the older player and backward compatibility
* [brightcove exp=1463233149&vref=1601200825] for the new player
* @since 4.5.0
* @param array $atts Shortcode parameters.
* @return string
static public function convert_to_legacy_studio( $atts ) {
$attr = shortcode_atts( array(
'bg' => '',
'exp' => '',
'exp3' => '',
'h' => '',
'lbu' => '',
'pk' => '',
'pubid' => '',
's' => '',
'surl' => '',
'vid' => '',
'vref' => '',
'w' => '',
), $atts );
if ( isset( $attr['pk'] ) ) {
$attr['pk'] = rawurlencode( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9!*\'();:@&=+$,\/?#\[\]\-_.~ ]/', '', $attr['pk'] ) );
if ( isset( $attr['bg'] ) ) {
$attr['bg'] = preg_replace( '![^-a-zA-Z0-9#]!', '', $attr['bg'] );
$fv = array(
'viewerSecureGatewayURL' => 'https://services.brightcove.com/services/amfgateway',
'servicesURL' => 'http://services.brightcove.com/services',
'cdnURL' => 'http://admin.brightcove.com',
'autoStart' => 'false',
$js_tld = 'com';
$src = '';
$name = 'flashObj';
$html5 = false;
if ( isset( $attr['exp3'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $attr['surl'] ) && strpos( $attr['surl'], 'brightcove.co.jp' ) ) {
$js_tld = 'co.jp';
if ( ! isset( $attr['surl'] ) || ! preg_match( '#^https?://(?:[a-z\d-]+\.)*brightcove\.(?:com|co\.jp)/#', $attr['surl'] ) ) {
$attr['surl'] = 'http://c.brightcove.com/services';
$attr['exp3'] = intval( $attr['exp3'] );
$attr['pubid'] = intval( $attr['pubid'] );
$attr['vid'] = intval( $attr['vid'] );
$fv['servicesURL'] = $attr['surl'];
$fv['playerID'] = $attr['exp3'];
$fv['domain'] = 'embed';
$fv['videoID'] = intval( $attr['vid'] );
$src = sprintf( '%s/viewer/federated_f9/%s?isVid=1&isUI=1&publisherID=%s',
$html5 = true;
} elseif ( isset( $attr['exp'] ) ) {
$attr['exp'] = intval( $attr['exp'] );
$src = 'http://services.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/' . $attr['exp'];
if ( $attr['vid'] ) {
$fv['videoId'] = $attr['vid'];
} else if ( $attr['vref'] ) {
$fv['videoRef'] = $attr['vref'];
$fv['playerId'] = $attr['exp'];
$fv['domain'] = 'embed';
} else {
return 'brightcove error: missing required parameter exp or exp3';
if ( ! empty( $attr['lbu'] ) ) {
$fv['linkBaseURL'] = $attr['lbu'];
$flashvars = trim( add_query_arg( array_map( 'urlencode', $fv ), '' ), '?' );
$width = $height = null;
if ( ! empty( $attr['w'] ) && ! empty( $attr['h'] ) ) {
$w = abs( (int) $attr['w'] );
$h = abs( (int) $attr['h'] );
if ( $w && $h ) {
$width = $w;
$height = $h;
} elseif ( empty( $attr['s'] ) || 'l' === $attr['s'] ) {
$width = '480';
$height = '360';
if ( empty( $width ) || empty( $height ) ) {
$width = '280';
$height = '210';
if ( $html5 ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'brightcove-loader', plugins_url( 'js/brightcove.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), 20121127, false );
wp_localize_script( 'brightcove-loader', 'brightcoveData', array(
'tld' => esc_js( $js_tld )
) );
return '
return sprintf( '',
esc_url( $src ),
esc_attr( $name ),
esc_attr( $width ),
esc_attr( $height )
add_shortcode( Jetpack_Brightcove_Shortcode::$shortcode, array( 'Jetpack_Brightcove_Shortcode', 'convert' ) );