'content', // the default setting of the theme: 'content', 'excerpt' or array( 'content', 'excerpt' ) for themes mixing both display. 'author-bio' => true, // display or not the author bio: true or false. 'author-bio-default' => false, // the default setting of the author bio, if it's being displayed or not: true or false (only required if false). 'masonry' => '.site-main', // a CSS selector matching the elements that triggers a masonry refresh if the theme is using a masonry layout. 'post-details' => array( 'stylesheet' => 'themeslug-style', // name of the theme's stylesheet. 'date' => '.posted-on', // a CSS selector matching the elements that display the post date. 'categories' => '.cat-links', // a CSS selector matching the elements that display the post categories. 'tags' => '.tags-links', // a CSS selector matching the elements that display the post tags. 'author' => '.byline', // a CSS selector matching the elements that display the post author. ), 'featured-images' => array( 'archive' => true, // enable or not the featured image check for archive pages: true or false. 'archive-default' => false, // the default setting of the featured image on archive pages, if it's being displayed or not: true or false (only required if false). 'post' => true, // enable or not the featured image check for single posts: true or false. 'post-default' => false, // the default setting of the featured image on single posts, if it's being displayed or not: true or false (only required if false). 'page' => true, // enable or not the featured image check for single pages: true or false. 'page-default' => false, // the default setting of the featured image on single pages, if it's being displayed or not: true or false (only required if false). ), ) ); * */ /** * Activate the Content Options plugin. * * @uses current_theme_supports() */ function jetpack_content_options_init() { // If the theme doesn't support 'jetpack-content-options', don't continue. if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'jetpack-content-options' ) ) { return; } // Load the Customizer options. require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/content-options/customizer.php' ); // Load Blog Display function. require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/content-options/blog-display.php' ); // Load Author Bio function. require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/content-options/author-bio.php' ); // Load Post Details function. require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/content-options/post-details.php' ); // Load Featured Images function. if ( jetpack_featured_images_should_load() ) { require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/content-options/featured-images.php' ); } } add_action( 'init', 'jetpack_content_options_init' ); function jetpack_featured_images_get_settings() { $options = get_theme_support( 'jetpack-content-options' ); $featured_images = ( ! empty( $options[0]['featured-images'] ) ) ? $options[0]['featured-images'] : null; $settings = array( 'archive' => ( ! empty( $featured_images['archive'] ) ) ? $featured_images['archive'] : null, 'post' => ( ! empty( $featured_images['post'] ) ) ? $featured_images['post'] : null, 'page' => ( ! empty( $featured_images['page'] ) ) ? $featured_images['page'] : null, 'archive-default' => ( isset( $featured_images['archive-default'] ) && false === $featured_images['archive-default'] ) ? '' : 1, 'post-default' => ( isset( $featured_images['post-default'] ) && false === $featured_images['post-default'] ) ? '' : 1, 'page-default' => ( isset( $featured_images['page-default'] ) && false === $featured_images['page-default'] ) ? '' : 1, ); $settings = array_merge( $settings, array( 'archive-option' => get_option( 'jetpack_content_featured_images_archive', $settings['archive-default'] ), 'post-option' => get_option( 'jetpack_content_featured_images_post', $settings['post-default'] ), 'page-option' => get_option( 'jetpack_content_featured_images_page', $settings['page-default'] ), ) ); return $settings; } function jetpack_featured_images_should_load() { $opts = jetpack_featured_images_get_settings(); // If the theme doesn't support archive, post and page or if all the options are ticked and we aren't in the customizer, don't continue. if ( ( true !== $opts['archive'] && true !== $opts['post'] && true !== $opts['page'] ) || ( 1 === $opts['archive-option'] && 1 === $opts['post-option'] && 1 === $opts['page-option'] && ! is_customize_preview() ) ) { return false; } return true; }