array( 'tag' => '300x250_mediumrectangle', 'height' => '250', 'width' => '300', ), 'lrec' => array( 'tag' => '336x280_largerectangle', 'height' => '280', 'width' => '336', ), 'leaderboard' => array( 'tag' => '728x90_leaderboard', 'height' => '90', 'width' => '728', ), 'wideskyscraper' => array( 'tag' => '160x600_wideskyscraper', 'height' => '600', 'width' => '160', ), ); /** * Convenience function for grabbing options from params->options * @param string $option the option to grab * @param mixed $default (optional) * @return option or $default if not set * * @since 4.5.0 */ function option( $option, $default = false ) { if ( ! isset( $this->params->options[ $option ] ) ) { return $default; } return $this->params->options[ $option ]; } /** * Instantiate the plugin * * @since 4.5.0 */ function __construct() { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); } /** * Code to run on WordPress 'init' hook * * @since 4.5.0 */ function init() { // bail on infinite scroll if ( self::is_infinite_scroll() ) { return; } require_once( WORDADS_ROOT . '/php/params.php' ); $this->params = new WordAds_Params(); if ( is_admin() ) { require_once( WORDADS_ROOT . '/php/admin.php' ); return; } if ( $this->should_bail() ) { return; } $this->insert_adcode(); $this->insert_extras(); } /** * Check for Jetpack's The_Neverending_Home_Page and use got_infinity * @return boolean true if load came from infinite scroll * * @since 4.5.0 */ public static function is_infinite_scroll() { return class_exists( 'The_Neverending_Home_Page' ) && The_Neverending_Home_Page::got_infinity(); } /** * Add the actions/filters to insert the ads. Checks for mobile or desktop. * * @since 4.5.0 */ private function insert_adcode() { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'insert_head_meta' ), 20 ); add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'insert_head_iponweb' ), 30 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'insert_ad' ) ); add_filter( 'the_excerpt', array( $this, 'insert_ad' ) ); if ( $this->option( 'enable_header_ad' ) ) { switch ( get_stylesheet() ) { case 'twentyseventeen': case 'twentyfifteen': case 'twentyfourteen': add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'insert_header_ad_special' ) ); break; default: add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'insert_header_ad' ), 100 ); break; } } } /** * Add the actions/filters to insert extra-network features. * * @since 4.5.0 */ private function insert_extras() { require_once( WORDADS_ROOT . '/php/networks/amazon.php' ); } /** * Register desktop scripts and styles * * @since 4.5.0 */ function enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'wordads', WORDADS_URL . 'css/style.css', array(), '2015-12-18' ); } /** * IPONWEB metadata used by the various scripts * @return [type] [description] */ function insert_head_meta() { $domain = $this->params->targeting_tags['Domain']; $pageURL = $this->params->targeting_tags['PageURL']; $adsafe = $this->params->targeting_tags['AdSafe']; $data_tags = ( $this->params->cloudflare ) ? ' data-cfasync="false"' : ''; echo << var _ipw_custom = { wordAds: '1', domain: '$domain', pageURL: '$pageURL', adSafe: '$adsafe' }; HTML; } /** * IPONWEB scripts in * * @since 4.5.0 */ function insert_head_iponweb() { $data_tags = ( $this->params->cloudflare ) ? ' data-cfasync="false"' : ''; echo ""; } /** * Insert the ad onto the page * * @since 4.5.0 */ function insert_ad( $content ) { /** * Allow third-party tools to disable the display of in post ads. * * @module wordads * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param bool true Should the in post unit be disabled. Default to false. */ $disable = apply_filters( 'wordads_inpost_disable', false ); if ( ! $this->params->should_show() || $disable ) { return $content; } $ad_type = $this->option( 'wordads_house' ) ? 'house' : 'iponweb'; return $content . $this->get_ad( 'belowpost', $ad_type ); } /** * Inserts ad into header * * @since 4.5.0 */ function insert_header_ad() { /** * Allow third-party tools to disable the display of header ads. * * @module wordads * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param bool true Should the header unit be disabled. Default to false. */ if ( apply_filters( 'wordads_header_disable', false ) ) { return; } $ad_type = $this->option( 'wordads_house' ) ? 'house' : 'iponweb'; echo $this->get_ad( 'top', $ad_type ); } /** * Special cases for inserting header unit via jQuery * * @since 4.5.0 */ function insert_header_ad_special() { /** * Allow third-party tools to disable the display of header ads. * * @module wordads * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param bool true Should the header unit be disabled. Default to false. */ if ( apply_filters( 'wordads_header_disable', false ) ) { return; } $selector = '#content'; switch ( get_stylesheet() ) { case 'twentyseventeen': $selector = '#content'; break; case 'twentyfifteen': $selector = '#main'; break; case 'twentyfourteen': $selector = 'article:first'; break; } $ad_type = $this->option( 'wordads_house' ) ? 'house' : 'iponweb'; echo $this->get_ad( 'top', $ad_type ); echo << jQuery('.wpcnt-header').insertBefore('$selector'); HTML; } /** * Get the ad for the spot and type. * @param string $spot top, side, or belowpost * @param string $type iponweb or adsense */ function get_ad( $spot, $type = 'iponweb' ) { $snippet = ''; if ( 'iponweb' == $type ) { $section_id = WORDADS_API_TEST_ID; $width = 300; $height = 250; if ( 'top' == $spot ) { // mrec for mobile, leaderboard for desktop $section_id = 0 === $this->params->blog_id ? WORDADS_API_TEST_ID : $this->params->blog_id . '2'; $width = $this->params->mobile_device ? 300 : 728; $height = $this->params->mobile_device ? 250 : 90; } else if ( 'belowpost' ) { $section_id = 0 === $this->params->blog_id ? WORDADS_API_TEST_ID : $this->params->blog_id . '1'; $width = 300; $height = 250; } $data_tags = ( $this->params->cloudflare ) ? ' data-cfasync="false"' : ''; $snippet = << (function(g){g.__ATA.initAd({sectionId:$section_id, width:$width, height:$height});})(window); HTML; } else if ( 'house' == $type ) { $leaderboard = 'top' == $spot && ! $this->params->mobile_device; $snippet = $this->get_house_ad( $leaderboard ? 'leaderboard' : 'mrec' ); } $header = 'top' == $spot ? 'wpcnt-header' : ''; $about = __( 'Advertisements', 'jetpack' ); return <<
HTML; } /** * Check the reasons to bail before we attempt to insert ads. * @return true if we should bail (don't insert ads) * * @since 4.5.0 */ public function should_bail() { return ! $this->option( 'wordads_approved' ); } /** * Returns markup for HTML5 house ad base on unit * @param string $unit mrec, widesky, or leaderboard * @return string markup for HTML5 house ad * * @since 4.7.0 */ public function get_house_ad( $unit = 'mrec' ) { if ( ! in_array( $unit, array( 'mrec', 'widesky', 'leaderboard' ) ) ) { $unit = 'mrec'; } $width = 300; $height = 250; if ( 'widesky' == $unit ) { $width = 160; $height = 600; } else if ( 'leaderboard' == $unit ) { $width = 728; $height = 90; } return << HTML; } /** * Activation hook actions * * @since 4.5.0 */ public static function activate() { WordAds_API::update_wordads_status_from_api(); } } add_action( 'jetpack_activate_module_wordads', array( 'WordAds', 'activate' ) ); add_action( 'jetpack_activate_module_wordads', array( 'WordAds_Cron', 'activate' ) ); add_action( 'jetpack_deactivate_module_wordads', array( 'WordAds_Cron', 'deactivate' ) ); global $wordads; $wordads = new WordAds();