:( protected function __construct() { $this->set_defaults(); $this->init(); } private function init() { $handler = array( $this, 'action_handler' ); $full_sync_handler = array( $this, 'full_sync_action_handler' ); foreach ( Jetpack_Sync_Modules::get_modules() as $module ) { $module->init_listeners( $handler ); $module->init_full_sync_listeners( $full_sync_handler ); } // Module Activation add_action( 'jetpack_activate_module', $handler ); add_action( 'jetpack_deactivate_module', $handler ); // Jetpack Upgrade add_action( 'updating_jetpack_version', $handler, 10, 2 ); // Send periodic checksum add_action( 'jetpack_sync_checksum', $handler ); } function get_sync_queue() { return $this->sync_queue; } function get_full_sync_queue() { return $this->full_sync_queue; } function set_queue_size_limit( $limit ) { $this->sync_queue_size_limit = $limit; } function get_queue_size_limit() { return $this->sync_queue_size_limit; } function set_queue_lag_limit( $age ) { $this->sync_queue_lag_limit = $age; } function get_queue_lag_limit() { return $this->sync_queue_lag_limit; } function force_recheck_queue_limit() { delete_transient( self::QUEUE_STATE_CHECK_TRANSIENT . '_' . $this->sync_queue->id ); delete_transient( self::QUEUE_STATE_CHECK_TRANSIENT . '_' . $this->full_sync_queue->id ); } // prevent adding items to the queue if it hasn't sent an item for 15 mins // AND the queue is over 1000 items long (by default) function can_add_to_queue( $queue ) { if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_setting( 'disable' ) ) { return false; } $state_transient_name = self::QUEUE_STATE_CHECK_TRANSIENT . '_' . $queue->id; $queue_state = get_transient( $state_transient_name ); if ( false === $queue_state ) { $queue_state = array( $queue->size(), $queue->lag() ); set_transient( $state_transient_name, $queue_state, self::QUEUE_STATE_CHECK_TIMEOUT ); } list( $queue_size, $queue_age ) = $queue_state; return ( $queue_age < $this->sync_queue_lag_limit ) || ( ( $queue_size + 1 ) < $this->sync_queue_size_limit ); } function full_sync_action_handler() { $args = func_get_args(); $this->enqueue_action( current_filter(), $args, $this->full_sync_queue ); } function action_handler() { $args = func_get_args(); $this->enqueue_action( current_filter(), $args, $this->sync_queue ); } // add many actions to the queue directly, without invoking them function bulk_enqueue_full_sync_actions( $action_name, $args_array ) { $queue = $this->get_full_sync_queue(); // periodically check the size of the queue, and disable adding to it if // it exceeds some limit AND the oldest item exceeds the age limit (i.e. sending has stopped) if ( ! $this->can_add_to_queue( $queue ) ) { return; } // if we add any items to the queue, we should try to ensure that our script // can't be killed before they are sent if ( function_exists( 'ignore_user_abort' ) ) { ignore_user_abort( true ); } $data_to_enqueue = array(); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $currtime = microtime( true ); $is_importing = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_importing(); foreach( $args_array as $args ) { /** * Modify or reject the data within an action before it is enqueued locally. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param array The action parameters */ $args = apply_filters( "jetpack_sync_before_enqueue_$action_name", $args ); // allow listeners to abort if ( $args === false ) { continue; } $data_to_enqueue[] = array( $action_name, array( $args ), $user_id, $currtime, $is_importing, ); } $queue->add_all( $data_to_enqueue ); } function enqueue_action( $current_filter, $args, $queue ) { // don't enqueue an action during the outbound http request - this prevents recursion if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_sending() ) { return; } /** * Modify or reject the data within an action before it is enqueued locally. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param array The action parameters */ $args = apply_filters( "jetpack_sync_before_enqueue_$current_filter", $args ); // allow listeners to abort if ( $args === false ) { return; } // periodically check the size of the queue, and disable adding to it if // it exceeds some limit AND the oldest item exceeds the age limit (i.e. sending has stopped) if ( ! $this->can_add_to_queue( $queue ) ) { return; } // if we add any items to the queue, we should try to ensure that our script // can't be killed before they are sent if ( function_exists( 'ignore_user_abort' ) ) { ignore_user_abort( true ); } if ( 'sync' === $queue->id || in_array( $current_filter, array( 'jetpack_full_sync_start', 'jetpack_full_sync_end', 'jetpack_full_sync_cancel' ) ) ) { $queue->add( array( $current_filter, $args, get_current_user_id(), microtime( true ), Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_importing(), $this->get_actor(), ) ); } else { $queue->add( array( $current_filter, $args, get_current_user_id(), microtime( true ), Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_importing() ) ); } // since we've added some items, let's try to load the sender so we can send them as quickly as possible if ( ! Jetpack_Sync_Actions::$sender ) { add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_sender_should_load', '__return_true' ); if ( did_action( 'init' ) ) { Jetpack_Sync_Actions::add_sender_shutdown(); } } } function get_actor() { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $actor = array(); if ( $current_user ) { $actor[ 'display_name' ] = $current_user->display_name; $actor[ 'user_email' ] = $current_user->user_email; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ) { $actor[ 'ip' ] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $actor['is_cron'] = defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ? DOING_CRON : false; $actor['is_wp_admin'] = is_admin(); $actor['is_rest'] = defined( 'REST_API_REQUEST' ) ? REST_API_REQUEST : false; $actor['is_xmlrpc'] = defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ? XMLRPC_REQUEST : false; $actor['is_wp_rest'] = defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) ? REST_REQUEST : false; $actor['is_ajax'] = defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ? DOING_AJAX : false; return $actor; } function set_defaults() { $this->sync_queue = new Jetpack_Sync_Queue( 'sync' ); $this->full_sync_queue = new Jetpack_Sync_Queue( 'full_sync' ); $this->set_queue_size_limit( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_setting( 'max_queue_size' ) ); $this->set_queue_lag_limit( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_setting( 'max_queue_lag' ) ); } }