callable_whitelist = array_merge( Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::get_callable_whitelist(), Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::get_multisite_callable_whitelist() ); } else { $this->callable_whitelist = Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::get_callable_whitelist(); } } public function init_listeners( $callable ) { add_action( 'jetpack_sync_callable', $callable, 10, 2 ); // For some options, we should always send the change right away! $always_send_updates_to_these_options = array( 'jetpack_active_modules', 'home', 'siteurl', 'jetpack_sync_error_idc' ); foreach( $always_send_updates_to_these_options as $option ) { add_action( "update_option_{$option}", array( $this, 'unlock_sync_callable' ) ); } // Provide a hook so that hosts can send changes to certain callables right away. // Especially useful when a host uses constants to change home and siteurl. add_action( 'jetpack_sync_unlock_sync_callable', array( $this, 'unlock_sync_callable' ) ); // get_plugins and wp_version // gets fired when new code gets installed, updates etc. add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( $this, 'unlock_sync_callable' ) ); } public function init_full_sync_listeners( $callable ) { add_action( 'jetpack_full_sync_callables', $callable ); } public function init_before_send() { add_action( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_queue_sync', array( $this, 'maybe_sync_callables' ) ); // full sync add_filter( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_jetpack_full_sync_callables', array( $this, 'expand_callables' ) ); } public function reset_data() { delete_option( self::CALLABLES_CHECKSUM_OPTION_NAME ); delete_transient( self::CALLABLES_AWAIT_TRANSIENT_NAME ); $url_callables = array( 'home_url', 'site_url', 'main_network_site_url' ); foreach( $url_callables as $callable ) { delete_option( Jetpack_Sync_Functions::HTTPS_CHECK_OPTION_PREFIX . $callable ); } } function set_callable_whitelist( $callables ) { $this->callable_whitelist = $callables; } function get_callable_whitelist() { return $this->callable_whitelist; } public function get_all_callables() { // get_all_callables should run as the master user always. $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); wp_set_current_user( Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'master_user' ) ); $callables = array_combine( array_keys( $this->get_callable_whitelist() ), array_map( array( $this, 'get_callable' ), array_values( $this->get_callable_whitelist() ) ) ); wp_set_current_user( $current_user_id ); return $callables; } private function get_callable( $callable ) { return call_user_func( $callable ); } public function enqueue_full_sync_actions( $config, $max_items_to_enqueue, $state ) { /** * Tells the client to sync all callables to the server * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param boolean Whether to expand callables (should always be true) */ do_action( 'jetpack_full_sync_callables', true ); // The number of actions enqueued, and next module state (true == done) return array( 1, true ); } public function estimate_full_sync_actions( $config ) { return 1; } public function get_full_sync_actions() { return array( 'jetpack_full_sync_callables' ); } public function unlock_sync_callable() { delete_transient( self::CALLABLES_AWAIT_TRANSIENT_NAME ); } public function should_send_callable( $callable_checksums, $name, $checksum ) { $idc_override_callables = array( 'main_network_site', 'home_url', 'site_url', ); if ( in_array( $name, $idc_override_callables ) && Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'migrate_for_idc' ) ) { return true; } return ! $this->still_valid_checksum( $callable_checksums, $name, $checksum ); } public function maybe_sync_callables() { if ( ! is_admin() || Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_doing_cron() ) { return; } if ( get_transient( self::CALLABLES_AWAIT_TRANSIENT_NAME ) ) { return; } set_transient( self::CALLABLES_AWAIT_TRANSIENT_NAME, microtime( true ), Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_sync_callables_wait_time ); $callables = $this->get_all_callables(); if ( empty( $callables ) ) { return; } $callable_checksums = (array) get_option( self::CALLABLES_CHECKSUM_OPTION_NAME, array() ); // only send the callables that have changed foreach ( $callables as $name => $value ) { $checksum = $this->get_check_sum( $value ); // explicitly not using Identical comparison as get_option returns a string if ( ! is_null( $value ) && $this->should_send_callable( $callable_checksums, $name, $checksum ) ) { /** * Tells the client to sync a callable (aka function) to the server * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param string The name of the callable * @param mixed The value of the callable */ do_action( 'jetpack_sync_callable', $name, $value ); $callable_checksums[ $name ] = $checksum; } else { $callable_checksums[ $name ] = $checksum; } } update_option( self::CALLABLES_CHECKSUM_OPTION_NAME, $callable_checksums ); } public function expand_callables( $args ) { if ( $args[0] ) { return $this->get_all_callables(); } return $args; } }