:( protected function __construct() { $this->set_defaults(); $this->init(); } private function init() { foreach ( Jetpack_Sync_Modules::get_modules() as $module ) { $module->init_before_send(); } } public function get_next_sync_time( $queue_name ) { return (double) get_option( self::NEXT_SYNC_TIME_OPTION_NAME . '_' . $queue_name, 0 ); } public function set_next_sync_time( $time, $queue_name ) { return update_option( self::NEXT_SYNC_TIME_OPTION_NAME . '_' . $queue_name, $time, true ); } public function do_full_sync() { $this->continue_full_sync_enqueue(); return $this->do_sync_and_set_delays( $this->full_sync_queue ); } private function continue_full_sync_enqueue() { if ( defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) && WP_IMPORTING ) { return false; } if ( $this->get_next_sync_time( 'full-sync-enqueue' ) > microtime( true ) ) { return false; } Jetpack_Sync_Modules::get_module( 'full-sync' )->continue_enqueuing(); $this->set_next_sync_time( time() + $this->get_enqueue_wait_time(), 'full-sync-enqueue' ); } public function do_sync() { return $this->do_sync_and_set_delays( $this->sync_queue ); } public function do_sync_and_set_delays( $queue ) { // don't sync if importing if ( defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) && WP_IMPORTING ) { return false; } // don't sync if we are throttled if ( $this->get_next_sync_time( $queue->id ) > microtime( true ) ) { return false; } $start_time = microtime( true ); Jetpack_Sync_Settings::set_is_syncing( true ); $sync_result = $this->do_sync_for_queue( $queue ); Jetpack_Sync_Settings::set_is_syncing( false ); $exceeded_sync_wait_threshold = ( microtime( true ) - $start_time ) > (double) $this->get_sync_wait_threshold(); if ( is_wp_error( $sync_result ) ) { if ( 'unclosed_buffer' === $sync_result->get_error_code() ) { $this->set_next_sync_time( time() + self::QUEUE_LOCKED_SYNC_DELAY, $queue->id ); } else { $this->set_next_sync_time( time() + self::WPCOM_ERROR_SYNC_DELAY, $queue->id ); } $sync_result = false; } elseif ( $exceeded_sync_wait_threshold ) { // if we actually sent data and it took a while, wait before sending again $this->set_next_sync_time( time() + $this->get_sync_wait_time(), $queue->id ); } return $sync_result; } public function get_items_to_send( $buffer, $encode = true ) { // track how long we've been processing so we can avoid request timeouts $start_time = microtime( true ); $upload_size = 0; $items_to_send = array(); $items = $buffer->get_items(); // set up current screen to avoid errors rendering content require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/screen.php' ); set_current_screen( 'sync' ); $skipped_items_ids = array(); // we estimate the total encoded size as we go by encoding each item individually // this is expensive, but the only way to really know :/ foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) { // Suspending cache addition help prevent overloading in memory cache of large sites. wp_suspend_cache_addition( true ); /** * Modify the data within an action before it is serialized and sent to the server * For example, during full sync this expands Post ID's into full Post objects, * so that we don't have to serialize the whole object into the queue. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param array The action parameters * @param int The ID of the user who triggered the action */ $item[1] = apply_filters( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_' . $item[0], $item[1], $item[2] ); wp_suspend_cache_addition( false ); if ( $item[1] === false ) { $skipped_items_ids[] = $key; continue; } $encoded_item = $encode ? $this->codec->encode( $item ) : $item; $upload_size += strlen( $encoded_item ); if ( $upload_size > $this->upload_max_bytes && count( $items_to_send ) > 0 ) { break; } $items_to_send[ $key ] = $encoded_item; if ( microtime(true) - $start_time > $this->max_dequeue_time ) { break; } } return array( $items_to_send, $skipped_items_ids, $items, microtime( true ) - $start_time ); } public function do_sync_for_queue( $queue ) { do_action( 'jetpack_sync_before_send_queue_' . $queue->id ); if ( $queue->size() === 0 ) { return false; } // now that we're sure we are about to sync, try to // ignore user abort so we can avoid getting into a // bad state if ( function_exists( 'ignore_user_abort' ) ) { ignore_user_abort( true ); } $checkout_start_time = microtime( true ); $buffer = $queue->checkout_with_memory_limit( $this->dequeue_max_bytes, $this->upload_max_rows ); if ( ! $buffer ) { // buffer has no items return false; } if ( is_wp_error( $buffer ) ) { return $buffer; } $checkout_duration = microtime( true ) - $checkout_start_time; list( $items_to_send, $skipped_items_ids, $items, $preprocess_duration ) = $this->get_items_to_send( $buffer, true ); /** * Fires when data is ready to send to the server. * Return false or WP_Error to abort the sync (e.g. if there's an error) * The items will be automatically re-sent later * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param array $data The action buffer * @param string $codec The codec name used to encode the data * @param double $time The current time * @param string $queue The queue used to send ('sync' or 'full_sync') */ Jetpack_Sync_Settings::set_is_sending( true ); $processed_item_ids = apply_filters( 'jetpack_sync_send_data', $items_to_send, $this->codec->name(), microtime( true ), $queue->id, $checkout_duration, $preprocess_duration ); Jetpack_Sync_Settings::set_is_sending( false ); if ( ! $processed_item_ids || is_wp_error( $processed_item_ids ) ) { $checked_in_item_ids = $queue->checkin( $buffer ); if ( is_wp_error( $checked_in_item_ids ) ) { error_log( 'Error checking in buffer: ' . $checked_in_item_ids->get_error_message() ); $queue->force_checkin(); } if ( is_wp_error( $processed_item_ids ) ) { return $processed_item_ids; } // returning a WP_Error is a sign to the caller that we should wait a while // before syncing again return new WP_Error( 'server_error' ); } else { // detect if the last item ID was an error $had_wp_error = is_wp_error( end( $processed_item_ids ) ); if ( $had_wp_error ) { $wp_error = array_pop( $processed_item_ids ); } // also checkin any items that were skipped if ( count( $skipped_items_ids ) > 0 ) { $processed_item_ids = array_merge( $processed_item_ids, $skipped_items_ids ); } $processed_items = array_intersect_key( $items, array_flip( $processed_item_ids ) ); /** * Allows us to keep track of all the actions that have been sent. * Allows us to calculate the progress of specific actions. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @param array $processed_actions The actions that we send successfully. */ do_action( 'jetpack_sync_processed_actions', $processed_items ); $queue->close( $buffer, $processed_item_ids ); // returning a WP_Error is a sign to the caller that we should wait a while // before syncing again if ( $had_wp_error ) { return $wp_error; } } return true; } function get_sync_queue() { return $this->sync_queue; } function get_full_sync_queue() { return $this->full_sync_queue; } function get_codec() { return $this->codec; } function send_checksum() { require_once 'class.jetpack-sync-wp-replicastore.php'; $store = new Jetpack_Sync_WP_Replicastore(); do_action( 'jetpack_sync_checksum', $store->checksum_all() ); } function reset_sync_queue() { $this->sync_queue->reset(); } function reset_full_sync_queue() { $this->full_sync_queue->reset(); } function set_dequeue_max_bytes( $size ) { $this->dequeue_max_bytes = $size; } // in bytes function set_upload_max_bytes( $max_bytes ) { $this->upload_max_bytes = $max_bytes; } // in rows function set_upload_max_rows( $max_rows ) { $this->upload_max_rows = $max_rows; } // in seconds function set_sync_wait_time( $seconds ) { $this->sync_wait_time = $seconds; } function get_sync_wait_time() { return $this->sync_wait_time; } function set_enqueue_wait_time( $seconds ) { $this->enqueue_wait_time = $seconds; } function get_enqueue_wait_time() { return $this->enqueue_wait_time; } // in seconds function set_sync_wait_threshold( $seconds ) { $this->sync_wait_threshold = $seconds; } function get_sync_wait_threshold() { return $this->sync_wait_threshold; } // in seconds function set_max_dequeue_time( $seconds ) { $this->max_dequeue_time = $seconds; } function set_defaults() { $this->sync_queue = new Jetpack_Sync_Queue( 'sync' ); $this->full_sync_queue = new Jetpack_Sync_Queue( 'full_sync' ); $this->codec = new Jetpack_Sync_JSON_Deflate_Array_Codec(); // saved settings Jetpack_Sync_Settings::set_importing( null ); $settings = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_settings(); $this->set_dequeue_max_bytes( $settings['dequeue_max_bytes'] ); $this->set_upload_max_bytes( $settings['upload_max_bytes'] ); $this->set_upload_max_rows( $settings['upload_max_rows'] ); $this->set_sync_wait_time( $settings['sync_wait_time'] ); $this->set_enqueue_wait_time( $settings['enqueue_wait_time'] ); $this->set_sync_wait_threshold( $settings['sync_wait_threshold'] ); $this->set_max_dequeue_time( Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::get_max_sync_execution_time() ); } function reset_data() { $this->reset_sync_queue(); $this->reset_full_sync_queue(); foreach ( Jetpack_Sync_Modules::get_modules() as $module ) { $module->reset_data(); } foreach ( array( 'sync', 'full_sync' ) as $queue_name ) { delete_option( self::NEXT_SYNC_TIME_OPTION_NAME . '_' . $queue_name ); } Jetpack_Sync_Settings::reset_data(); } function uninstall() { // Lets delete all the other fun stuff like transient and option and the sync queue $this->reset_data(); // delete the full sync status delete_option( 'jetpack_full_sync_status' ); // clear the sync cron. wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'jetpack_sync_cron' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'jetpack_sync_full_cron' ); } }