$form_count = $this->getFormCount();
$forms = $this->getAllForms();
$x = 1;
if ( is_array( $forms ) ) {
foreach ( $forms as $form ) {
$this->args['forms'][$x] = $form['id'];
if( empty( $this->total_steps ) || $this->total_steps <= 1 ) {
$this->total_steps = $form_count;
public function _beforeStep( $step )
// Get a list of forms that we've already converted.
$this->completed_forms = get_option( 'nf_convert_notifications_forms', array() );
if ( ! is_array( $this->completed_forms ) ) {
$this->completed_forms = array();
public function step( $step )
global $ninja_forms_fields;
// Get our form ID
$form_id = $this->args['forms'][ $step ];
// Bail if we've already converted the notifications for this form.
if ( in_array( $form_id, $this->completed_forms ) )
return false;
// Grab our form from the database
$form_settings = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_id )->settings;
$fields = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_id )->fields;
$process_fields = array();
foreach( $fields as $field_id => $field ) {
$label = strip_tags( nf_get_field_admin_label( $field_id ) );
if ( strlen( $label ) > 30 ) {
$tmp_label = substr( $label, 0, 30 );
} else {
$tmp_label = $label;
$tmp_array = array( 'value' => $field_id, 'label' => $tmp_label . ' - ID: ' . $field_id );
$admin_label = $label;
$label = isset( $field['data']['label'] ) ? $field['data']['label'] : '';
// Check to see if this field is supposed to be "processed"
$type = $field['type'];
if ( isset ( $ninja_forms_fields[ $type ]['process_field'] ) && $ninja_forms_fields[ $type ]['process_field'] ) {
$process_fields[ $field_id ] = array( 'field_id' => $field_id, 'label' => $label, 'admin_label' => $admin_label );
// Create a notification for our admin email
if ( ( isset ( $form_settings['admin_email_msg'] ) && ! empty ( $form_settings['admin_email_msg'] ) ) || ( isset ( $form_settings['admin_email_fields'] ) && 1 == $form_settings['admin_email_fields'] ) ) {
// Create a notification
$n_id = nf_insert_notification( $form_id );
// Update our notification type
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'type', 'email' );
// Activate our notification
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->activate();
// Update our notification name
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'name', __( 'Admin Email', 'ninja-forms' ) );
$admin_mailto = isset ( $form_settings['admin_mailto'] ) ? $form_settings['admin_mailto'] : array();
// Implode our admin email addresses
$to = implode('`', $admin_mailto );
// Update our to setting
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'to', $to );
// Update our Format Setting
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_format', $form_settings['email_type'] );
// Update our attach csv option
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'attach_csv', $form_settings['admin_attach_csv'] );
// Update our subject
$subject = $this->replace_shortcodes( $form_settings['admin_subject'] );
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_subject', $subject );
// Update our From Name
if ( isset ( $form_settings['email_from_name'] ) ) {
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'from_name', $form_settings['email_from_name'] );
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( isset ( $field['data']['from_name'] ) && $field['data']['from_name'] == 1 ) {
// Update our From Name
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'from_name', 'field_' . $field['id'] );
// Update our From Address
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'from_address', $form_settings['email_from'] );
// Get our reply-to address
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if ( isset ( $field['data']['replyto_email'] ) && $field['data']['replyto_email'] == 1 ) {
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'reply_to', 'field_' . $field['id'] );
$email_message = $form_settings['admin_email_msg'];
// Check to see if the "include list of fields" checkbox was checked.
if ( isset ( $form_settings['admin_email_fields'] ) && $form_settings['admin_email_fields'] == 1 ) {
$email_message .= '
// Update our email message
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_message', $email_message );
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'admin_email', true );
// Create a notification for our user email
if ( ! empty ( $fields ) ) {
$addresses = array();
foreach ( $fields as $field_id => $field ) {
if ( isset ( $field['data']['send_email'] ) && $field['data']['send_email'] == 1 ) {
// Add this field to our $addresses variable.
$addresses[] = 'field_' . $field_id;
unset( $field['data']['send_email'] );
unset( $field['data']['replyto_email'] );
unset( $field['data']['from_name'] );
$args = array(
'update_array' => array(
'data' => serialize( $field['data'] ),
'where' => array(
'id' => $field_id,
ninja_forms_update_field( $args );
if ( ! empty ( $addresses ) ) {
// We have a user email, so create a notification
$n_id = nf_insert_notification( $form_id );
// Update our notification type
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'type', 'email' );
// Activate our notification
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->activate();
// Update our notification name
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'name', __( 'User Email', 'ninja-forms' ) );
// Implode our admin email addresses
$n_var = count ( $addresses ) > 1 ? 'bcc' : 'to';
$addresses = implode( '`', $addresses );
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( $n_var, $addresses );
// Update our Format Setting
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_format', $form_settings['email_type'] );
// Update our subject
$subject = $this->replace_shortcodes( $form_settings['user_subject'] );
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_subject', $subject );
// Update our From Name
if ( isset ( $form_settings['email_from_name'] ) ) {
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'from_name', $form_settings['email_from_name'] );
// Update our From Address
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'from_address', $form_settings['email_from'] );
$email_message = $form_settings['user_email_msg'];
// Check to see if the "include list of fields" checkbox was checked. If so, add our table to the end of the email message.
if ( isset ( $form_settings['user_email_fields'] ) && $form_settings['user_email_fields'] == 1 ) {
$email_message .= '
// Update our email message
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'email_message', $email_message );
Ninja_Forms()->notification( $n_id )->update_setting( 'user_email', true );
if ( isset ( $form_settings['success_msg'] ) && ! empty( $form_settings['success_msg'] ) ) {
// Create a notification for our success message
$n_id = nf_insert_notification( $form_id );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'name', __( 'Success Message', 'ninja-forms' ) );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'type', 'success_message' );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'active', 1 );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'success_msg', $form_settings['success_msg'] );
if ( isset ( $form_settings['landing_page'] ) && ! empty( $form_settings['landing_page'] ) ) {
// Create a notification for our redirect
$n_id = nf_insert_notification( $form_id );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'name', __( 'Redirect', 'ninja-forms' ) );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'type', 'redirect' );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'active', 1 );
nf_update_object_meta( $n_id, 'redirect_url', $form_settings['landing_page'] );
$completed_forms = get_option( 'nf_convert_notifications_forms' );
if ( ! is_array( $completed_forms ) || empty ( $completed_forms ) ) {
$completed_forms = array( $form_id );
} else {
$completed_forms[] = $form_id;
update_option( 'nf_convert_notifications_forms', $completed_forms );
// Unset our admin email settings and save the form.
if ( isset ( $form_settings['admin_mailto'] ) ) {
unset( $form_settings['admin_mailto'] );
unset( $form_settings['admin_attach_csv'] );
unset( $form_settings['admin_subject'] );
unset( $form_settings['admin_email_msg'] );
unset( $form_settings['admin_email_fields'] );
unset( $form_settings['success_msg'] );
unset( $form_settings['user_email_msg'] );
unset( $form_settings['user_subject'] );
unset( $form_settings['landing_page'] );
$args = array(
'update_array' => array(
'data' => serialize( $form_settings ),
'where' => array(
'id' => $form_id,
ninja_forms_update_form( $args );
public function complete()
update_option( 'nf_convert_notifications_complete', true );
public function isComplete()
return get_option( 'nf_convert_notifications_complete', false );
private function removeOldEmailSettings()
private function getFormCount()
$forms = Ninja_Forms()->forms()->get_all();
return count( $forms );
private function getAllForms()
$forms = Ninja_Forms()->forms()->get_all();
$tmp_array = array();
$x = 0;
foreach ( $forms as $form_id ) {
$tmp_array[ $x ]['id'] = $form_id;
$tmp_array[ $x ]['data'] = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_id )->get_all_settings();
$tmp_array[ $x ]['name'] = Ninja_Forms()->form( $form_id )->get_setting( 'form_title' );
return $tmp_array;
private function replace_shortcodes( $text ) {
$matches = array();
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
preg_match_all('/'.$pattern.'/s', $text, $matches);
if ( is_array( $matches ) && ! empty( $matches[2] ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[2] as $key => $shortcode ) {
if ( $shortcode == 'ninja_forms_field' ) {
if ( isset ( $matches[3][ $key ] ) ) {
$atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $matches[3][ $key ] );
$id = $atts['id'];
$text = str_replace( $matches[0][ $key ], '`field_' . $id . '`', $text );
return $text;