=== Ninja Forms - The Easy and Powerful Forms Builder ===
Contributors: wpninjasllc, kstover, jameslaws, kbjohnson90, klhall1987, krmoorhouse, jmcelhaney, wpnzach
Tags: form, forms, contact form, custom form, form builder, form creator, form manager, form creation, contact forms, custom forms, forms builder, forms creator, forms manager, forms creation, form administration,
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.7
Stable tag: 3.1.4
License: GPLv2 or later
Drag and drop fields in an intuitive UI to create create contact forms, email subscription forms, order forms, payment forms, send emails and more!
== Description ==
Ninja Forms is the ultimate FREE form creation tool for WordPress. Build forms within minutes using a simple yet powerful drag-and-drop form creator. For beginners, quickly and easily design complex forms with absolutely no code. For developers, utilize built-in hooks, filters, and even custom field templates to do whatever you need at any step in the form building or submission using Ninja Forms as a framework.
**Features of Ninja Forms include, but are not limited to:**
* A gorgeous and intuitive user interface.
* NO LIMITATIONS on the number of forms, fields, emails, actions, or submissions.
* Dedicated, easy to use fields for emails, dates (w/ datepicker), phone numbers, addresses and more
* Modify your own field then save them as favorites to re-use later (even in other forms!)
* Force required fields and correct data formatting with custom input masks
* Give your users a success message or redirect them elsewhere after they complete a form.
* Manage, Edit, and Export form user submissions.
* Export and Import forms and favorite fields.
* Email form data to administrators and/or users every time a form is processed.
* Customize emails and add raw HTML(for photos, videos, and more) with the powerful Summernote HTML editor.
* Several anti-spam options including Google reCaptcha, question/response fields, and honeypot fields
* Form submission via AJAX, allowing a seamless user experience without page refreshes
* Please note that if you are using a version of PHP lower than 5.3, you may experience some problems using AJAX Submissions. These can be minimized by using simple success/error messages without any quotes or special characters.
More information at [ninjaforms.com](https://ninjaforms.com/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Home+Page)
= Ninja Forms also has a complete library of add-ons to take your forms to new heights: =
**Increase form conversions**
[Breaking forms into smaller parts](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/mult-part-forms/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Multi-Part+Forms) or [allowing users to save and return](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/save-progress/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Save+Progress) make longer forms less intimidating. [Conditional Logic](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/conditional-logic/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Conditional+Logic) will allow you to show field only to users who need them and send emails or process actions only under specific conditions.
Beautiful forms convert better than crowded unorganized forms. While Ninja Forms looks great on any well styled theme and is easy to style further if your are comforatble with CSS, [Layout and Styles](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/layout-styles/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Layout+and+Styles) makes it easy to create columns for your forms as well as style specific elements.
**Build your mailing list**
Use the mailing list tool of your choice. [MailChimp](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/mail-chimp/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=MailChimp), [Constant Contact](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/constant-contact/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Constant+Contact), [Campaign Monitor](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/campaign-monitor/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Campaign+Monitor), [Emma](hhttps://ninjaforms.com/extensions/emma/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Emma), [Aweber](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/aweber/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Aweber), [MailPoet](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/mailpoet/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=MailPoet), [iContact](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/icontact/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=iContact), [GetResponse](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/getresponse/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=GetResponse), [CleverReach](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/cleverreach/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=CleverReach), [Sendy](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/sendy/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Sendy), and [Mad Mimi](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/mad-mimi/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Mad+Mimi) are all supported for your list building needs.
**Collect payments**
Ninja Forms gives you the ability to collect payments through [PayPal Express](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/paypal-express/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=PayPal+Express), [Stripe](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/stripe/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Stripe), or [Elavon](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/elavon/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Elavon). More payment gateways coming.
**All the best customer relationship management integrations**
When someone fills out your form the most natural thing to do is send their data directly to your favorite CRM. Ninja Forms makes this easy with plenty of CRM integrations such as [SalesForce](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/salesforce-crm/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=SalesForce+CRM), [Batchbook](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/batchbook-crm/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Batchbook+CRM), [Zoho](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/zoho-crm/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Zoho+CRM), [Insightly](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/insightly-crm/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Insightly+CRM), [Capsule](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/capsule-crm/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Capsule+CRM), etc.
**Send data to all your favorite productivity tools with the click of a submit button**
We love and use tools like [Slack](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/slack/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Slack), [Trello](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/trello/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Trello), and [Zapier](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/zapier/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Zapier). These tools help our very own team build Ninja Forms so it makes sense that we would share them with you.
Even if your team needs a support form where your customers can ask for help, Ninja Forms integrates with [Help Scout](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/help-scout/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Help+Scout) to make this a delightful experience.
**Even more add-ons available right now**
With over 40 add-ons available and new ones being added regularly, it’s likely we have everything you’ll ever need. [Check them all out here.](https://ninjaforms.com/extensions/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Add-Ons)
= Become a Ninja Forms Member =
Want access to everything we offer, or perhaps just our form building toolkit "Builder PRO"?
[Find our more about our Ninja Forms Memberships here.](https://ninjaforms.com/pricing/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Developer+Membership)
= Demo Site =
Please feel free to visit our [demo site](http://three.ninjaforms.com?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme) where you can test the features of Ninja Forms and all of our extensions.
= For Developers =
The Ninja Forms framework is on [GitHub](https://github.com/wpninjas/ninja-forms)! If you're a developer and want to help make Ninja Forms better, check it out. It's also a great resource for developers who are interested in creating add-ons for our online store.
If you're a developer and would like to talk about creating some premium extensions for Ninja Forms, send us an email: info@wpninjas.com.
== Screenshots ==
1. The most intuitive and beautiful form building experience
2. Field Options
3. Emails and Actions
4. Advanced Settings
5. Beatiful Forms Every Time!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Where can I get support? =
Our team provides free support at https://ninjaforms.com/contact/.
You can find the full scope of the support we are able to provide at https://ninjaforms.com/scope-of-support/.
= Where can I find documentation? =
Documentation for Ninja Forms can be found at https://ninjaforms.com/documentation/.
= Where can I report a bug? =
Report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development at https://github.com/wpninjas/ninja-forms.
== Installation ==
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
1. Upload the `ninja-forms` directory to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Visit the 'Forms' menu item in your admin sidebar
Shortcodes have been re-implemented. They are used like so: [ninja_form id=#] where # is the ID number of the form you want to display.
== Use ==
For help and video tutorials, please visit our website: [Ninja Forms Documentation](https://ninjaforms.com/documentation/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_campaign=Ninja+Forms+Readme&utm_content=Ninja+Forms+Docs)
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 3.1.4 (06 June 2017) =
* Fixed a possible memory leak that could cause the builder to crash if the settings drawer was opened multiple times.
== Changelog ==
= 3.1.4 (06 June 2017) =
* Fixed a possible memory leak that could cause the builder to crash if the settings drawer was opened multiple times.
= 3.1.3 (31 May 2017) =
* Users should be able to re-submit forms that fail initial anti-spam checks.
* Fixed some bugs related to calculations and submission.
* Added sortable icons to the forms dashboard.
= 3.1.2 (16 May 2017) =
* Fixed several possible PHP notices.
* Fixed a possible conflict with the BBpress plugin.
* Editing submissions with Checkbox List fields should work properly.
* Product fields with costs over 1000 should now work properly.
* Fixed a bug that caused duplicate submissions if a form wasn't hidden after submission.
* Forms should be sorted by title in the dashboard and the submissions page.
= 3.1.1 (02 May 2017) =
* Fixed bugs in the new Merge Tag UI that prevented it from being opened properly via clicks.
= 3.1 (02 May 2017) =
* Added a dashboard view for forms, removing the "All Forms" and "Add New" submenus.
* All new Merge Tag UI for inserting Merge Tags into forms and actions.
* Refactored calculations, as well as adding an option to set calculation rounding.
* Updated the WordPress.org readme file.
* Opening the "new form" page should automatically open the drawer to add new fields.
* Fixed several bugs with calculations and locales that use non-American thousands and decimal separators.
* Products with a price over 999 should now render and calculate properly.
* Editing a submission and using a single quote should not break the submission editor.
* Fixed several PHP notices.
* After successful submission, the page should only scroll to the success message if it is not fully visible.
* Inline email validation should work properly for longer email domains, i.e. @liverpool.ac.uk
= (25 April 2017) =
* Fixed a possible security export related to WP Sessions. Please update as soon as possible.
= 3.0.34 (18 April 2017) =
* Fixed a bug that could cause emails to fail with a 500 internal server error.
= 3.0.33 (11 April 2017) =
* Added an admin warning notice if Contact Form 7 is installed.
* Users who upgrade to version 3.0 will now see an admin notice instructing them to check their converted forms.
* Added the TLS version, if installed, to the get help page.
* Fixed a bug that could cause a PHP fatal error with older, insecure versions of PHP.
* Fixed a bug that caused field labels to be output multiple times in submission exports.
* Removed several PHP Warnings related to publishing longer forms.
* Updated inline email check so that it should work on longer domains, i.e. co.uk.
* Editing submissions with single checkboxes should now save properly.
* Fields should be properly sorted in CSV files attached to emails.
* Sequential IDs for submissions on converted or imported forms should not reset.
= 3.0.32 (11 April 2017) =
* Added an admin warning notice if Contact Form 7 is installed.
* Users who upgrade to version 3.0 will now see an admin notice instructing them to check their converted forms.
* Added the TLS version, if installed, to the get help page.
* Fixed a bug that caused field labels to be output multiple times in submission exports.
* Removed several PHP Warnings related to publishing longer forms.
* Updated inline email check so that it should work on longer domains, i.e. co.uk.
* Editing submissions with single checkboxes should now save properly.
* Fields should be properly sorted in CSV files attached to emails.
* Sequential IDs for submissions on converted or imported forms should not reset.
= 3.0.31 (07 March 2017) =
* Confirmed password fields should work properly.
* Fixed a bug with List Fields that caused the Import button to overlap the Add New button.
* Closed a possible security vulnerability by escaping HTML in the builder.
* CSV files should now be deleted from the server after they are emailed when attached to an email action.
* Added a filter so that add-ons and custom code can add forms to the templates section of the New Form builder.
= 3.0.30 (28 February 2017) =
* Publishing a form should now populate the backup database properly in all environments.
* Editing submissions that have selects or other lists should now work properly.
* Added Trello to the available actions list.
* Added a JS exception catcher to help debug when forms don't display because of JS errors.
= 3.0.29 (21 February 2017) =
* Fixed a bug that could cause previewed forms from submitting properly.
= 3.0.28 (21 February 2017) =
* Fixed a JS notice caused by the use of jQuery.attr() instead of jQuery.prop().
* Modified the approach to form publishing to improve performance for larger forms and prevent bugs when saving.
* Google reCaptcha should now work properly when a field has an error.
* Added a jQuery event: "nfFormReady" to the document that can be used to fire JS code when a form has loaded.
* Using jQuery.val() should now properly work for Ninja Forms fields.
* Updated the update check URL for add-ons.
* Added a filter for form settings upon form display localization.
= 3.0.27 (2 February 2017) =
* Field data should populate properly in all submission exports.
= 3.0.26 (30 January 2017) =
* Field data should populate properly in submission exports.
* Email errors upon form submission should be clearer.
* Fixed a compatibility bug with other plugins that use the WP List Table.
= 3.0.26 (30 January 2017) =
* Field data should populate properly in submission exports.
* Email errors upon form submission should be clearer.
* Fixed a compatibility bug with other plugins that use the WP List Table.
= 3.0.25 (26 January 2017) =
* Increasing the performance of submissions and form builder loading.
* Improved compatibility with popular caching plugins.
* Field tags should now properly populate in calculation merge tags.
* Submission exports should now always order properly.
* Fixed a bug with submissions exporting non-Ninja Forms data.
* Importing forms with non-UTF8 characters should now import properly.
* Fixed a bug with converting froms from 2.9.x to 3.0.
= 3.0.24 (15 January 2017) =
* Fixed a bug with Google reCaptcha and the deprecated, 2.9.x codebase.
= 3.0.23 (12 January 2017) =
* Fixed a bug with form duplication.
= 3.0.22 (11 January 2017) =
* Fixed a bug that caused installations to crash on older, unsecure versions of PHP.
= 3.0.21 (11 January 2017) =
* Added an import for list options.
* Refactored form submissions so that they are more responsive for longer forms with more submissions.
* Moved the 'reply_to' setting to the primary section in email actions.
* Added error handling for invalid "TO" email addresses.
* Fixed a bug with calculations that caused brackets to appear in calculation fields.
* On/off settings should now save properly in all situations.
* Dragging a field should now properly scroll the screen.
= 3.0.20 (21 December 2016) =
* Added a prompt before deleting forms on the all-forms table.
* Added the ability to use: {field:name} <{field:email}> to get Name - Address formatting in email actions CC, BCC, Reply-To Field.
* Updated the third-party EDD library.
* Removed references to the modernizer library from the builder.
* Added Twilio and Videomail to the list of available actions.
* Fixed a bug that caused fields to be out of order when exporting or editing submissions.
* Product fields should now respect locale-specific number formating.
* Fixed a bug with restarting form submit. This caused issues with PayPal Express and other add-ons.
* When adding new list options, the 'value' should auto-populate from 'label' setting.
* The tab order for list options should now work properly.
= 3.0.19 (07 December 2016) =
* Product, Shipping, and Total fields should now work in all locales.
* Fixed a major bug preventing forms with date fields from showing in some instances.
= 3.0.18 (06 December 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with 3.0.17 and the deprecated code base.
= 3.0.17 (06 December 2016) =
* When using the RTE setting on the textarea field, the media button should show on all themes.
* The Modernizr library should only be loaded if you are using the RTE on the front-end.
* System date merge tag should respect the date format plugin setting.
* Exported submissions should always have correct order.
* Fixed a bug with list fields that caused the wrong one to be selected if calc values are used.
* HTML entered into field and list option labels should be rendered properly.
* Fixed a bug that caused the date picker to fail on the front-end.
* Filtering field values before display should now work properly in all instances.
* Help text should always render properly on the front-end.
* Fixed a bug with rendering the ReCaptcha field in the 2.9.x codebase.
* Error messages should work properly when displaying multiple forms on the same page.
* The browser should scroll to the success message after a form is submitted.
* Added a label to the ReCaptcha field.
* Added decimal date seperators (MM.DD.YYYY, YYYY.MM.DD, etc.) to the date field setting.
* Sending initial data to api.ninjaforms.com for users who have opted in.
* Added the $sub_id data to the ninja_forms_custom_columns filter.
* Field selectors in the builder should always show the "nicename" of the field rather than the programmatic name.
= 3.0.16 (21 November 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with export values and the Country Field to show full labels as opposed to abbreviations.
* Fixed a bug with duplicate field keys when duplicating a field.
* Fixed a bug with merge tags not being replaced in actions.
* Fixed a bug with unknown field types.
* Fixed a bug with capabilities and granting access to forms and submissions.
* Fixed a bug with restricting decimal steps in the number fields ( i.e. set increments by .01 ).
* Fixed a bug with reCaptcha validation not halting the form submission.
* Fixed a bug with displaying help text on the form display.
* Fixed a bug with enqueueing the media library scripts for the rich text editor.
* Fixed a bug with the submitting button text disappearing when a form was cleared after submission.
* Fixed a bug with converting email actions with multiple emails addresses in a single setting.
* Fixed a bug with prefixing the postmeta database table with custom prefixes.
* Fixed a bug with reCaptcha not showing due to a script loading race condition.
* Added an additional parameter for calculations to force 2 decimal rounding.
* Added a year range setting for the date field's datepicker.
* Added a filter to email action settings before the email is sent.
= 3.0.15 (09 November 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with custom field processing not updating field data properly.
* Added better support for extensions interacting with field duplication in the builder.
= 3.0.14 (03 November 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with input masks that prevented custom masks from working properly.
* Added per-form label settings under Advanced.
* Re-instated the changes and bug-fixes in version 3.0.12 (See below)
= 3.0.13 (01 November 2016) =
* Emergency release to deal with some bugs in version 3.0.12.
= 3.0.12 (01 November 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with 0 (zero) values failing required validation.
* Fixed a bug with Star Rating field values displaying in reverse order.
* Fixed a bug with Success Message showing on all forms on a page.
* Fixed a bug with the Modernizr library adding extra CSS classes to the page.
* Fixed a bug with converting the Country Field from v2.9.x to v3.x.
* Fixed a bug with repeating submission sequence numbers.
* Added empty ninja_forms_get_form_by_id() function to avoid fatal errors.
* Performance enhancements for form display and submission processing for long forms.
* Added a field ID specific field class for styling.
= 3.0.11 (18 October 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with overly strict error catching that might stall form submission.
* Updated field validation to not check required settings on unknown field types.
* Added a process to remove empty fields without field keys.
= 3.0.10 (18 October 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with non-visible fields generating empty HTML on display.
* Fixed a bug with dashicons not showing for non-logged in users.
* Fixed a bug with converting fields with 'inside' labels.
* Fixed a bug with showing custom columns in submissions per-form.
* Fixed a bug with field IDs not properly being updated on form publish.
* Fixed a bug with the country field not displaying the country list in the form.
* Fixed a bug with formatting of textareas and merge tags.
* Fixed a bug with displaying calculation values for checkboxes and merge tags.
* Fixed a bug with duplicate fields breaking the builder and form display.
* Fixed a bug with consistency and form cache data for the builder and form display.
* Added a hook in the JavaScript for the Pikaday datepicker.
* Removed the Submission Post Type from the Admin Bar display.
* Excluded the Submission Post Type from public query.
* Added better error reporting for 500 Internal Server Errors for troubleshooting.
* Added a cleanup routine for duplicate fields in forms.
= 3.0.9 (12 October 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with loading the form builder form cache.
= 3.0.8 (11 October 2016) =
* Fixed a typo in the Submission Date Filter.
* Added a filter (ninja_forms_display_fields) for removing fields form display.
* Added a check for misconfigured shortcodes that break output.
* Fixed a bug with exporting list fields in submissions.
* Fixed a bug with outputting extra text on the submission submenu.
* Fixed a bug with importing checkbox lists and default values.
* Fixed a bug with imported forms that contain HTML in fields.
* Fixed a bug with date field formatting.
* Fixed a bug with the builder drawer not scrolling to the top when opened.
* Fixed a bug with using hidden fields in calculations.
* Fixed a bug with refreshing newsletter lists in form actions.
* Fixed a bug with field calculation values in merge tags.
= 3.0.7 (06 October 2016) =
* Added background processing for publishing long forms to avoid timeout errors.
= 3.0.6 (27 September 2016) =
* Added the $post variable to the submission info metabox.
* Suppressed HTML fields from submission data.
* Suppressed HTML fields from all fields merge tags
* Added description text to the Rollback Setting (Advanced).
* Disabled the "Edit" page link when previewing a form.
* Added a plugin wide currency setting in place of the static currency symbol setting.
* Fixed a bug with validating email addresses (ie properly evaluate "+"s).
* Fixed a bug with browser compatibility.
* Fixed a bug with displaying column content on other post types.
* Fixed a bug with updating form submission error messages.
* Fixed a bug with creating empty settings on activation.
* Fixed a bug with column class collisions in CSS.
* Fixed a bug with field help text not displaying on the form.
= 3.0.5 (13 September 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with checking for a disabled PHP functions that might cause a fatal error.
= 3.0.4 (13 September 2016) =
* Fixed a bug with aggressive CDN caching.
= 3.0.3 (13 September 2016) =
* Added isInteger polyfill for IE11.
* Added deprecated functions to prevent PHP errors.
* Required fields message should now not show when the form is hidden.
* Field-specific scripts should only load when that field is present.
* Updating translatable text.
* Radio lists should no longer select an option by default.
* Conversions should be more stable.
* Text to HTML field conversion should now happen correctly.
* Fixed a conflict with Visual Composer.
= 3.0.2 (7 September 2016) =
* Fixed a bug that caused PHP notices to be displayed.
= 3.0.1 (7 September 2016) =
* Add a deprecated notice for ninja_forms_get_all_forms function.
* Fixed a bug with templates.
* Fixed a bug with required field markings.
= 3.0 (6 September 2016) =
* Release of Ninja Forms THREE