=== Image Slider - Responsive Slider === Contributors: Huge-IT Donate link: https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider/ Tags: slider, responsive slider, content slider, image slider, slideshow, Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.7.5 Stable tag: 2.4.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Responsive Slider - best free wordpress tool for slideshow. Use responsive slider to create slideshow, wordpress slider widget, gallery and more. == Description == ### Check out useful links and demo page, get support or contribute for Responsive Slider. * [Wordpress Responsive Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider/) * [Responsive Slider Demo](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-demo/) * [Responsive Slider FAQ](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-faq/) * [Responsive Slider User Manual](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-user-manual/) * [Responsive Slider Support](https://huge-it.com/contact-us/) * [Responsive Slider Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/slider) * [Responsive Slider GitHub Project](https://github.com/Huge-IT/slider) Responsive Slider is a completely new and advanced way to represent your images in slides . Responsive Slider is the best way to promote your website by creating amazing sliders with beautiful transition effects. So be creative with Huge-IT team, use the WordPress Responsive Slider for making your website more competitive. Creation of image sliders with this wordpress plugin is fast and easy. Add your beautiful images into the Responsive Slider, after which give some nice styling and enjoy your modern slider. Responsive Slider helps you to display unlimited number of images to showcase your amazing works. It is a great solution for photographers, bloggers, web-designers and anyone in WordPress community. We have created a light and user-friendly plugin for all categories of users. Responsive back-end design will help to add images and create slides in minutes. The usage of the Responsive Slider plugin is very easy, what you need is just to copy and paste the shortcode of the slides into the WordPress post or page, there is no need to deal with any codes. Huge-IT Responsive Slider is designed for everyone who wants to have the most stunning and attractive responsive slider . Slider is fully responsive and mobile friendly. All your images will appear as beautiful sliders on your WordPress website. You may add unlimited slides , setup arrows, thumbnails, bullets and make further customizations with the Pro version of the plugin. Advanced 2 type shortcode of the plugin allows you to add it in the widget and footer area of your WordPress site. You can use shortcodes with multiple wordpress plugins. Responsive Slider has been tested with WordPress plugins and themes. = Install and build your first Wordpress Responsive Slider in minutes = = Responsive Slider Key Features = * **Fully Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Slider** - Responsive Slider is fully responsive, which means you can open your image slider on various devices: Smartphones, Tablets, desktop. * **Responsive Slider owns 7 Slider Effects** - Use one of the 7 incredible transition effects to display the image slider beautifully. * **Upload Unlimited Images into responsive slider** - Responsive Slider has advanced Media Library which allows to add various images at the same time, as well as upload as many images as you need into the Responsive Slider. * **Name Your Slides** - Add some creative and interesting names to your responsive slider images to showcase them. * **Image size** - Give the most proper size to the Responsive Slider images to fit them more properly, which will promote to represent your projects perfectly. * **Autoplay Options** - Slider has an autoplay function, this is very useful function for those who want to start the image slider automatically. * **Add Title Style** - Do more styling with the Responsive Slider on the title of your each image. * **Create Description Style** - Description Style section suggests choosing different effects and colors for the slider images. * **Social Sharing** - Navigate to your slides and click the Social Sharing option in the slider menu in order to add 6 social sharing icons to the slider. You can pick all 6 or pick couple from available Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Tumblr. Besides that the plugin includes 6 themes for social sharing buttons available. * **Advanced Drag and Drop Options** - Drag and Drop feature with some builder function, which you can use on your admin panel, allows you to change the positions of the responsive slider text, description, image, button and more. * **Custom Element** - Here we may add: Text, Button and Image on the responsive slider Images. Add desirable styling to the custom elements. * **Responsive Slider Custom Element Text** - Add additional text section and write your desired rich description or other content for your images. * **Custom Element Button** - Add a button with the link on the images of the responsive slider and add suitable styling to the button as well. * **Custom Element Image** - Add images on the responsive slider and do suitable styling and customization to the images. You are able to add images from the Media Library. * **Slider Arrows** - Responsive Slider suggests various Navigation Arrows to navigate the images of the responsive slider smoothly. Select to show navigation arrows on the responsive slider images when On Hover or Never. * **Slider Thumbnails** - This option will let the users of the Responsive Slider whether or not to open the thumbnails under the slider main image. Even more you can choose to select thumbnail when hover over the Responsive Slider image. * **How to demonstrate Responsive Slider Thumbnails** - In the Thumbnail section of the plugin you can select whether to show the thumbnail by Default or Show All and see on the preview. * **Show Bullets in Responsive Slider** - When you go to the Bullets section of the Responsive Slider here opens a bunch of features to select for your responsive slider . So, choose whether or not to display the bullets on the Responsive Slider images. * **Bullets background color** - Slider Colors: Allows you to change the background or hover color on the bullets and due to preview function to see the result before saving. * **Bullet’s position, orientation and Inline Space** - You can select the position of the bullets on the responsive slider images. Choose to set bullets Horizontal or Vertical and their size on the responsive slider images. * **Slide On/Off** - When to add images in the responsive slider you can see Slide On/Off function, which helps you to select which images demonstrate during your presentation. * **Advanced Slider Shortcode** - Responsive Slider has 2 shortcode types: One is prepared to be included on your WordPress post or page and the other is for inserting the responsive slider within your theme. * **Preview Feature** - Responsive Slider has a pretty much useful feature, once you have completed to create your responsive slider and before you press Save button you can always click on Preview this responsive slider to see how it is looking. == Installation == #### How to install the Pro version of Responsive Slider plugin? There are two ways to install the Pro version of the plugin. **From the dashboard of your website:** * 1) Deactivate and delete your Free version * 2) Install the zip file with Pro version , go to Plugins > add new > upload plugin * 3) clean your cache files |ctrl+f5| The second way to install the Pro version of Responsive using is via FTP ### First of all: * Download the zip file we provide * Extract the responsive-slider directory to your computer * Upload the responsive-slider directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory * Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard * You will find the plugin installed on your WordPress toolbar in the back end of your website. == Screenshots == 1. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 1](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-demo/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Simple video 11. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 1](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-demo/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Simple video 2. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 2](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-wordpress-responsive-slider-demo-2-thumbnails/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Thumbnails 22. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 2](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-wordpress-responsive-slider-demo-2-thumbnails/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Thumbnails 3. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 3](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-demo-3-no-controls/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - No controls 32. [WordPress Responsive Slider demo 4](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider-demo-4-elements/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Elements 4. [WordPress Responsive Slider Admin Page](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider/) == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to change the position of the elements on slider? = Simply drag them and place on desired position on the Slider sample page. Use the small square icon to change the size by dragging up and down = I make styles on the Title/Description/Button boxes and it doesn’t affect on general preview page? = The General Preview is made to see changes only with box size and position, other style customization can be seen if you press on “Preview” button. = Does your slider support: videos, last posts, widget integration? = Unfortunately, the mentioned options are not available in the current version of the slider. Yet we are working on major updates, which will include more features, including video support, many effects, layers, social sharing buttons and more. = Will I lose my created Sliders if update from Free to Pro version? = No, nothing will be lost. They are kept in the database of your website. The only way to lose or completely erase the data is to uninstall the plugin. Other than that, no data will be lost. Yet, we always recommend users to backup their files or website, just in case something goes wrong. = I am getting an error after the payment/have problem with the payment when trying to purchase the pro version? = Please try to submit the payment using another browser, otherwise feel free to contact our support team info AT huge-it.com = May I add my own custom icons for the arrows? = Custom arrows can be added in the Professional version of the plugin only. = My images in Slider look stretched, how can I make the images look perfectly? = Please try to change the slider image size form General Options. Moreover, the commercial version of Responsive Slider plugin provides Image Behaviour Option in General Options section which you may set Fit or Fill. = How many images can I add to the Slider Plugin? Is there any limitation for the Free version of Slider? = There is no limitation of adding images to the both (free and paid) versions of Responsive Slider Plugin. You can add unlimited number of images to the plugin and create as many slider as you desire. = Does the Responsive Slider Provide Filter options to apply for the images = Slider plugin comes with huge variety of filter options which you can add to the plugin to make each slider look more attractive. = Can I add Thumbnail images for the slider I create? = There is a Thumbnail options in the Slider plugin and by enabling it you can show thumbnail images for each slider. Moreover you may display thumbnail images when hovering on the slider images. = I want to add watermark text on the slider images, is there such option in the plugin? = Commercial version of Slider plugin provides watermark effect which you can enable for the slider. You can add watermark text or even an image. = May I share the slider on different social networks? = Responsive Slider has Social Sharing option which allows your website visitors to share the slider they want in social sharing services like Facebook,Twitter, Google+ = Is there any additional styling options for the social sharing buttons in the slider plugin? = There are 6 share buttons style in the slider plugin and you can pick the one that perfectly suits to your website. If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Responsive Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-responsive-slider) plugin or have any question contact us at [info@huge-it.com](mailto:info@huge-it.com) == Changelog == = 2.4.5 = * 1. We have added functional lightbox to slider , allowing users to enable lighbox for sliders. = 2.4.4 = * We have changed the structure of the admin panel to appear more user friendly on big monitors, now the navigation in the admin panel appears user friendly. = 2.4.3 = * 1) We have added post slider functionality, where users can showcase their posts in slider * 2) We have fixed multiple bugs including texts and buttons styles on front-end and admin area * 3) Fixed the bug with description and title to be fixed and not overlay the frame of image * 4) Fixed the issue where the next video button would stop the next track upon the click * 5) Fixed the issue when video info and options were not displayed properly * 6) We have added additional options for thumbnails of the slider * 7) We have fixed minor security issues with SQL by adding additional escapes = 2.4.2 = * 1) We have added five popular filter-effects in order to give Instagram Style look to images by filtering them. * 2) We have added Instagram Filter option allowing users to add filters to their images. * 3) We have create a new sub-menu named Styles and put into it border styles (Border size,Border color,Border radius options). = 2.4.1 = * 1) We have made UI/UX customization in the back end of the plugin to bring it more user-friendly. * 2) We have added an option to add borders to Slider, set colors to borders, determine the size of them. (Pro) * 3) We have added "Sort Images By" option. **FIXED BUGS:** * 1) Slider is activating after click. * 2) Button styles doesn't changed in backgraund view. * 3) When the autoplay is disabled,after clicking the arrow it changes the first image to 3rd instead of 2nd. * 4)Button-fonts doesn't show in frontend view. = 2.4.0 = * 1) We have added 5 new transition effects. * 2) We have added watermark option (Pro). = 2.3.9 = * We had to update the plugin once again, as the GitHub had some errors processing the updated file and cut couple of lines. = 2.3.8 = * We have added 5 new social sharing buttons incuding Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Tumblr. = 2.3.7 = * 1) Added widget support on front end. * 2) Added new options for image-protection called Right-click protection. * 3) Added demo links to galleries in the back-end of the plugin. = 2.3.6 = * Added two new Slider effects. = 2.3.5 = * New effects, featured page = 2.3.4 = * 1) We have added 3 new effects * 2) We have added new image behavior views to select from = 2.3.3 = * 1) Fixed some UX/UI issues along with some bugs in the back end of the plugin. * 2) Added new slider effect. * 3) Added a new Christmas banner. = 2.3.2 = * 1) We have added requested new option of pause on hover in Lite version * 2) Updated licensing page with more vivid demonstration of all features of the plugin * 3) Added YouTube and Vimeo video slideshow support (Pro) * 4) Overall backend UI/UX optimization = 2.3.1 = * 1) Now users can add URLs to slides leading to the page they mention * 2) 3. We have added new package of arrows for sliders, now users can use variety of them. * 3) We have added an options allowing to duplicate sliders easily. = 2.3.0 = **In the series of updates we continue to go through our plugins one by one and fix all technical issues with our code in order to meet the WordPress Coding Standards. These are the major updates that had been implemented to Responsive Slider plugin in this new version. We strongly recommend to update the plugin.** * 1) Changed function names, defines and classnames to have unique prefixes * 2) Fixed the issue where the plugin was calling files remotely * 3) Made further code optimization in order to meet required WordPress coding standards * 4) Added nonces for all _POST, _GET requests to prevent unauthorized access * 5) Sanitize the user data and validated post/get calls of the plugin * 6) Edited wrong links of banners, now leading to the correct products in the back end. * 7) Fixed a bug that caused unexpected outputs when users tried to create a new slider * 8) Fixed CSS bugs in admin pages = 2.2.9 = * 1) Multiple major grammatical and phonetic review of description page. * 2) More question were added to FAQ to answer common question regarding new features of the updated plugin * 3) We have added screenshots for users * 4) Added texts to Other Notes in order to help users with installation and other guides of user's manual * 5) A new important feature was added in order to enable users to edit the slides = 2.2.8 = * **Further bug fixes and code optimization that include the following:** * 1) PHP Arrays optimization * 2) Fixed the bug of the "add new slider" button in the new posts before saving * 3) Style and CSS optimization in the back-end to make the design fully responsive * 4) Added Featured Plugins page presented all WordPress plugins from Huge-IT * 5) Changing the logo image of the plugin to match the other plugins in the Huge-IT plugin list * 6) Added featured image of the plugin with detailed info of Free and Pro features = 2.2.7 = * Bugs fixed. = 2.2.6 = * Bugs fixed. = 2.2.5 = * minor bugs in back end style fixed = 2.2.4 = * Added responsive slider ==Wordpress Responsive Slider step by step guide== ### 1. Installation First of all install the plugin from WordPress plugins repository. Afterwards install the plugin from the back end of your website. **Go to plugins > Add New > search for the ‘Responsive Slider’ plugin > Click Install Now**. After installation activate the plugin in your plugin list. ### Using FTP You may also install the plugin via FTP. For this case follow the instruction below. * 1) Download the ZIP file from WordPress website * 2) Extract the forms directory to your computer * 3) Upload the forms directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory * 4) Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard * 5) You can see the plugin installed on WordPress left menu afterwards ### 2. Creation of Sliders In order to create your first slider press on (+) button to add a new slider. Name your first WordPress slider and add images to it. Follow the instruction below for more details. = General = In General Options make general changes on the slider. These are the following options you may pay your attention to: * **Name:** Title your slider * **Width(px):** Configure slider width * **Height(px):** Configure slider height * **Slider Autoplay:** This will automatically create a slideshow * **Slider Effect:** Choose the sliding effect for your slider * **Effect Duration:** The speed time of the effect, which was chosen for the slider * **Slide Interval:** The time between each slide, set on miliseconds * **Title:** Select if you want to have Title on slider, in order to change the style of the title press on “Style”(Styles are for pro version) * **Description:** Select if you want to have Description on slider, press to “Style” it.(Styles are for pro version) * **Slider Custom Element:** Add custom button, text or image on slider, generally. Drag the corner of the element block to change it’s size * **Press Preview to watch the result** * **Press SAVE to finalize your work** ### 2.1 Customization of each image You may customize each image and dd more options to it. Click on “Add Image”, choose the image and press on “Insert” Click on the image to be able to edit it Also you may use the following options: * Quick Edit * Remove * Show or Hide the image from the slider Each image contains the following options: * **Title:** Title your Image. * **Description:** Add description text on every image. * **Slide Element (PRO):** Each image can have custom button, text or image on it. * Press Preview to watch the result. * Press SAVE to finalize your work. = Arrows (PRO) = * Add arrows to the slider, in order to click on them and change the slides manually. * Show Arrows: Choose - Always, On Hover, or Never * Arrow Type (PRO): Choose the style for the arrows * Press Preview to watch the result * Press SAVE to finalize your work = Thumbnails (PRO) = Thumbnails will allow to showcase image thumbs of your slide, by pressing any thumbnail image you may show it on the slider as default. * Show Thumbnails: Choose - Always, On Hover, Never Positioning. * Default. This type will show as many thumbnails as there is a space for it, the others will be hidden and move as carousel * Show all. Will show all thumbnails no matter how many images there is in the slider * Press Preview to watch the result * Press SAVE to finalize your work = Bullets (PRO) = * Make some custom changes with the bullets/dots on the slider * Show Bullets: Choose to show the dots on slider - Always, on Hover, or Never * Position: Choose one of 9 different positions of the bullets on the image * Background: Select color and on hover color of the bullets * Orientation: Make the bullets Vertically or Horizontally placed on image and rows quantity * Inline Space(px): Set the space between the bullets in pixels * Press Preview to watch the result * Press SAVE to finalize your work = Shortcodes = * This section provides two type of shortcodes * First one [R-slider id="n"] for posts and pages, the other one for theme integration * Copy & paste the shortcode directly into any WordPress post or page, or template file